four → new.

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F O U R → N E W

yoongi doesn't believe in destiny, but maybe its the universe giving him a little nudge when BigHit decides that a group of seven will consist of two best friends and five other strangers yoongi can't wait to ignore. He already has a plan, he'd shared it with namjoon the night before, a little while before the two went to bed. it'd been a while since yoongi'd left his parents house (kicked out, but that doesn't matter cause he feels free), and namjoon's family had welcomed the elder with open arms.

they'd cheered the loudest during graduation, when yoongi shared his valedictorian speech about chasing your dreams and not letting anyone stop you.

yoongi had tried his hardest to swallow down the lump in his throat when he'd seen that the spaces reserved for his parents were empty.

anyways, the two were going to meet the other members today and yoongi had told namjoon his 'fool proof' plan.

"i'll keep to myself, i won't speak unless i'm spoken to and they'll get the hint that this is only professional." namjoon had rolled his eyes at that, trying his hardest to bite his tongue but namjoon's personality is blunt, he can't help it.

"you know, suga , that won't work." namjoon began, ignoring yoongi's scowl because suga is his stage name, not the name his best friend uses to address him. "i hate to break it to you but you're going to have to learn to dance, learn to rap a certain way, you're going to have to learn to talk a certain way, dress a certain way, and you're going to have to learn english and how to deal with fans, and americans and people from other countries, so adding 'learning to socialize effectively' shouldn't be that much of stretch considering everything else."

yoongi rolls his eyes, ignoring namjoon even though he knew the younger was right, as usual. he ignores his best friend, shuffling in their shared bed and turning his back to the older.

"whatever, namjoon-ssi." yoongi huffs in annoyance, "just go to sleep." he ignores the heartbeat in his chest that's screaming so many words yoongi cannot comprehend. he knows it's foolish to be scared, especially since he knows who the other seven are, BigHit wanted them to meet each other when all BTS members had been found. yoongi knows it's idiotic but he can't help it.

'i'm scared, i'm so scared, i'm scared that it'll be worse. i'm scared of who i'll be around them. i'm scared of being the odd one out, even though i know joonie wouldn't ever purposely exclude me, i'm scared to see him interact with other people cause he's the only friend i've ever had.'

yoongi's pretty sure his heartbeat could be heard from the other side of the world by now, but namjoon stays where he is, understanding that yoongi will deal with his emotions on his own but still knowing the signs.

namjoon respects yoongi's silence but knows when to intervene and for that yoongi is so eternally grateful his eyes water with tears he's kept in for so long. it feels like a lifetime ago since the anger yoongi felt had completely drowned his senses. he knows it's been years, yoongi knows this but it seems like everytime he closes his eyes, he expects to open his eyes and feel like ache in his chest and see the bruises forming on his body.

yoongi's scared to say he's terrified. and maybe namjoon knows this as he breathes out

"green?" a color, a simple color with an important question embedded in it. a silent question that asks the elder if he's okay with touching. green.

yoongi shakes his head, not trusting himself not to lash out the second namjoon touches him. he feels the rustle of the sheets and guesses that namjoon nodded in understanding. several moments pass by before namjoon opens his mouth to speak.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2018 ⏰

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