Where It All Began

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Alright my lovelies, if you have found your way to my book, then please give it a chance, I wrote the epilogue to this a few years ago, and I've edited it, but this chapter needs to be slow so that the others can pick it up, just give it to the fifth chapter and if you still don't like it, then I won't hate it completely if you stop reading. Hopefully chapters will happen once a week by Monday 5PM AEST (Thats Australian Eastern Standard Time) and if it's not then I'll let you know before hand.

I'll also let readers know if something violent is coming up, not this chapter, or even the next, but I'll let you know anyway.

Stay beautiful, and happy reading! xx


Under your toes and beneath the flowers live two species that are often misrepresented. Fairies and Elves have not lived in harmony for many years. But yet many years ago began the most scandalous relationship that sparked envy in the hearts of all dreamers, and hatred in the eyes of all opposed. 

A young fairy princess, no bigger than a pea and called Matilda after her grandmother, was walking along the forest floor. The little six year old could not find anything to do. But as she was walking she found a blue toy ship the length of one of her arms and small enough for her to carry in two hands.  Matilda picked it up and no sooner heard a voice call out to her: "Hey!" It shouted, "that's mine."

A small elf boy bounced from behind a grass blade, waving a finger at her intently. Matilda held on to the toy boat tighter, as if protecting it. "Finder's keepers." She said defiantly. Matilda noticed the tan skin, long hair down to shoulders and the high, pointed ears, distinguishing the boy as an Elf. But in that moment, neither one cared about anything other than the small toy.

The elf huffed and stormed over to her, grabbing at the toy boat as well. "No fair!" He said, struggling to keep hold of the boat.

"Is too!" Matilda said back. The two struggled, both pulling at the boat for ownership, the young Fairies wing fluttered slightly at the effort. Matilda loosened her grip for just a second to get a better hand, but the boy pushed the toy towards her, knocking Matilda down.

She put her hands behind her to break her fall but she fell on a prickle and it stuck out of her arm, sending a sharp pain through Matilda's whole left side. Matilda cried out and began sobbing, her wings now drooping. The boy had been running away as soon as she fell, but when he heard her begin to cry a wave of guilt had washed over him and he slowly turned back and walked towards the girl.

"I'm sorry," the boy muttered, "here you go, you can have it. I was done playing with it anyway." He said, holding out the toy boat.

"Go away," Matilda said, trying to turn away so the little boy wouldn't see her tears.

The boy frowned at this and saw the prickle in her arm. "I can help you get that out, I had one once, my mum called it a 'prickle', cause it makes you feel prickly." The boy moved to take it out but Matilda moved away. The boy huffed once again and added: "If you don't let anyone help you, it'll never get better," remembering once again something his mother had said.

Slowly and reluctantly, Matilda turned towards the boy and held out her hand and squeezed her eyes shut. Instead the boy told her to look over near the lake and when she looked back, he was holding the top of the prickle in his hand like a trophy.

"See, told you I could make it better." The boy laughed and it was such a full belly laugh that Matilda soon began laughing in only a way that children can.

"I'm Matilda." She said, holding out her hand, her wings were now upright again with happiness.

"My name's Patrick, but I'm not supposed to talk to Fairies," he said, looking down at his feet and motioning to the two small wings protruding out of her back.

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