Chapter 2: Upset

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~Loki's P.O.V~

I almost feel like I'm watching from Valhalla as I look down on the scene playing out before my eyes. A slightly younger version of myself, Thor, and the warriors three are striding through the Asgardian palace, having returned from another death-defying adventure earlier today.

Thor and Volstagg are laughing boisterously as they stride at the front of the group while Sif, Fandral, and myself follow close behind, rolling our eyes at our very loud friends. We're all pleased with the outcome of this adventure and a bit tipsy from the wine we had at the feast.

Volstagg and Thor are bragging about how powerful they were and how weak their opponents were. Fandral, Sif, and myself are also discussing the battle...just in a very different way from our boisterous friends. We are critiquing each other's tactics and techniques from the battle.

Volstagg is leaning on Thor as they walk, both tipsy enough to be laughing messes and just slightly off balance. We in the back remain upright and mostly sober from the feast, glad that we hadn't had as much wine as Thor and Volstagg. Though it was still funny to watch.

Just as Sif is commenting on what Thor can improve on, she's interrupted by a series of armor clattering and the thuds of people hitting the floor. Myself, Sif, and Fandral look ahead to see that Thor and Volstagg seem to have run into someone, knocking all 3 to the ground.

Us sober friends run over to the trio on the ground. Fandral helps up Volstagg, Sif helps up Thor (because she gets to him first), so I extend my hand to the individual on the ground, apologizing profusely for my friends and brother's poor motor functions.

My words start to fade out halfway through my apology though when I finally see who it is. It's a beautiful young woman with piercing blue-green eyes that shine like the sea. Her long, blonde hair could rival the gold trimmings on her otherwise pure white dress.

She smiles and accepts my extended hand "It is quite alright. I am glad they enjoyed themselves tonight." I help her up in silence and release her hand. Before I can unglue my tongue from the roof of my suddenly bone-dry mouth though, Sif strides over and beats me to it.

"Still, these fools were blind enough to walk into you, and for that, I apologize." The lady's smile is warmer than the midday sun "As I said, it is no trouble at all." Thor, who is apparently sober enough to know he's screwed up, takes her hand and kisses the back of it as he bows.

"No, that should not have happened. I am sorry for my behavior, my lady." Again, she only smiles "You are forgiven sir. I am more concerned for your friend, he does not look well." She says forlornly as she looks at Volstagg, who is looking ready to either pass out...or regurgitate his last meal.

Thor and Fandral grimace as they each immediately grab one of Volstagg's arms and begin to drag him away, presumably to get him somewhere where he might be able to do both. Sif smiles at the woman, extending her hand. "I am Sif. I am sorry you can't meet the others today."

I extend my hand next and she accepts it. I kiss the back of her hand in a small, polite bow, as I was always taught to by Frigga and Odin "Loki." She smiles again as I straighten up and release her hand "A pleasure to meet you both. I am ___." Her voice loses its sound as she says her name.

I can feel this world fading away as the voices do. I wake in a cold sweat half-yelling the word 'No'. I curse my brain for refusing to let me hear her name again. It's like it was trying to torment me...just like everyone else. I'm honestly not sure I can keep this up much longer.

I rarely had a problem keeping up appearances, but this farce was not my doing. It was not my decision. Odin. You were the one who created this stupid facade that she never existed. And for what? To save face? Why do you pretend to care? You only ever cared about your vision of Asgard.

I furiously wipe away the tears before they can roll down my cheeks and take a deep breath. It's almost comical how alone I am in this. There was not one person in Asgard who was closer to her than I. I'm the only one who truly knew her, who saw her when she wasn't smiling.

Sure she had other friends was different with us. By the Norns I wish it had been me. Then again, would she have mourned me? Would anyone mourn me with her? Or...would she be alone? Like me. Would Odin have forbidden speaking of me too?

Suddenly, there's a knock on my door, followed quickly by Thor telling me what's for breakfast. I don't care...but, if I am to keep Thor from asking me questions I will need to pretend that I do. So I, reluctantly, get out of bed and get dressed. I open the door.

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