4: Mi Mesa es tu Mesa

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After Environmental Science, Luke walks me to my calculus class before he heads to AP French. All that my math teacher, Mr. Greenwald, does is give us our textbooks for the year and begin to explain the basics of calculus. Most of the other students look bored out of their skulls, but I am interested in everything the teacher has to say. I have a natural talent for understanding math, so I enjoy learning it and doing it, unlike most of the people I know.

After calculus, Luke and I walk to AP English. There, I see Kayla talking to a crowd of people. I quickly realize that there is no way I am going to be able to talk to her or get near her, for that matter, so I take a seat at the other side of the classroom. Like in science, Luke sits next to me, even though several people invite him to sit next to them. I try to ignore the jealous glares sent my way by some of the girls in this class.

When the teacher begins to talk, I try my very hardest not to zone out. Admittedly, it is very hard, because the teacher is an old woman who seems to be unable to say more than five words a minute. After a while, however, I cannot help but become fascinated in my notebook. I mean, just look at the fascinating pattern! It is definitely more interesting than Mrs. Freeman, anyway.

My eyes glance over the paper in front of me, which explains the lesson plan for the year. We will be reading a lot of books-yay-and writing a lot of poetry-nay. I find it hard to understand poetry most of the time and it is even harder for me to write my own poems. I prefer to express my feelings in art and music, thank you very much.

Finally, the bell rings and I quickly stuff all of the new handouts from class into my folder and my other things into my backpack. I swing it over my shoulder and wait for Luke to pack up his stuff.

When he is finished, we walk out the door, and I ask, "What's next?"

"Now, we have lunch."

"Great, I'm starved." My stomach proves my point my growling quite loudly; Luke laughs. "I just need to stop by my locker to grab my lunch."

We walk to our set of lockers and I open mine with the combination that I memorized in English. I put some folders into my locker and grab my lunchbox and a fresh notebook for Advanced Spanish. Then, I close my locker door and walk over to Luke, who is standing at his own locker, number 118, which is only six away from mine. He slams his locker shut and leads me to the cafeteria.

"You made a good choice bringing your own lunch, because the food here stinks." I laugh. "Also, just so you know, people are allowed to eat in the cafeteria or outside, as long as it is on school grounds."

"Which do you prefer?"

"Well, all of my friends eat inside, so..."



He holds open the door for me; I smile and walk in. The cafeteria is already packed with people, even though lunch just started three minutes ago.

I look around and quickly spot Kayla at a table with a large group of people. I point to her and say, "I should probably go sit with her."

"Yeah, it's totally fine if you sit there. Mi mesa es tu mesa."

"Ah, so you do speak Spanish?" I tease.

He holds his finger an inch apart and says, "Un poco."

I laugh, and then realize what he just said. "Wait, you sit at that table, too?"

He nods. "Yeah, Kayla and I have the same friends."

I wait for him to elaborate but when he doesn't, I just awkwardly walk away from him and over to the table, sliding into the seat next to Kayla.

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