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Callie's Pov

"Girls, I want you to meet the newest addition to our family, Callie Jacobs." Miss Davilã annouced. She had dark brown hair, and had this Dominican accent going on. She was very beautiful, and looked quite young for an 40 year old woman.

"Hi." I mumble, as my eyes scan the room of girls, before meeting the floor.

There had to be about 9 girls here. All different looks, shapes and sizes, all different colors.

"Okay girls, you know the drill. Once someone new comes in, you introduce your self, tell them why you're here, and your favorite thing to do, going in a circle. One at a time, and no interruptions." Miss Devilã said.

The girls all nod and Miss Devilã points to this girl with a tanned skin tone, very skinny, and pretty. "The names Gina. I'm here because I slapped my mom, because she told me I was beautiful, yeah I'm unhappy about my body, so what. nobody is. My favorite thing to do is...probably skip meals." She says some-what proud of herself.

Next another girl starts talking. She was more chubbier than Gina. "My name is Daniella, but you can call me Dani. I'm here because I stole from McDonalds." She says, earning some giggles from other people in the room, which Dani didn't mind because she found it funny herself. "And my favorite thing to do is watch Channing Tatum strip in Magic Mike." She smirks, earning some 'yess' 'you know it' and 'gurllll'.

I silently chuckle to myself. I mean, hey who wouldn't like to watch that. ;)

Next there was Alexis, Lily, Christina; but call her Chris, Eliana, Mariana, Courtney and Myra.

Mariana seemed more of my type. The quiet, yet playful type. She was depressed because of a loved one too. And it so happens to be, that he got her pregnant and left, too.

Just one thing we don't have in common. She doesn't know where her baby daddy is.

I knew exactly where mine was. He was living his Hollywood Dream of becoming this pop star adored my many girls. And not once did he think to call me, EVER!

"Okay, Callie. It's time for you to share." Miss Devilã said making me snap out of my mindset.

"My name is Callie, I'm here because I'm depressed over something stupid." I say slightly rolling my eyes. I start to pick at my nails; it's a habit when I get nervous, or bored.

"Do you mind telling us what it is." Devilã asks.

"Yes, I do mind."

That might've sounded rude, but I'm not gonna sit there making a fool out of myself saying 'Well Justin Bieber got me pregnant and left me to become famous' I'll be Mariah Beater 2.0.

"Oh well, if you need us, We're here for you." She says placing a hand on my leg. "Right girls?"

'Right' some said in a determined voice, others in a 'can this be done already' voice.

Taking her hand off my leg, she speaks. "Mind, telling us what you like to do?"

"I like to listen to music, read, dance." I say.

"What kind of music?" Mariana asked.

"R&B, mostly Trey Songz, though." I smirk.

"Omg! I love Trey Songz." Mariana and Chris said at the same time.

"It's true." Dani started. "Once his new song 'Foreign' came out, they wouldn't stop singing it for 2 weeks straight." Courtney finished.

"What? We couldn't help ourselves." Mariana shrugged.

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