Chapter 14:USJ Part 1

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(A/N:4K Reads that's a lot of people reading this story also another few days another chapter hope you all will enjoy)

Izuku's Mind:Thank goodness I fixed up my suit when I got back home granted I didn't really just fix it up I decided to upgrade the material since with my battle with Death Arms,Woods and Mt.Lady it was a wake up call for the future of my career as Spider-Man.

-Granted though the cashier at materials place looked vaguely familiar,I mean he looked to be around in his mid 90s had an iconic voice kept calling me a "true believer" and on my way out he said "excelsior" which is strangely familiar.

-Anyways its already night I should probably head to bed don't want to be late for the field trip tomorrow.

Izuku then went to bed little did he know someone had made their way inside the room and had a mischievous smile on their face.

???:Don't worry Spidey you'll be at the field trip...

The figure then used their quirk which seemed to have a ghostly texture that made its way towards Izuku and disappeared when it made contact with him.

-just not at the opportune time...

The figure then opened the window into the room then disappeared into the night...

Many hours later...

Bakugo's Mind:Today apparently our field trip is about going to this thing called the USJ at first I thought we were going to Universal Studios Japan but no it isn't also we're leaving in a few minutes so where the hell is Deku?!

-I don't think a crime was commited right now or a few minutes ago or an hour ago so if it ain't a crime then where is he?!

Uraraka:Hey Bakugo are you alright you've been staring at Deku's seat for a good 20 minutes something on your mind?

Bakugo:Yeah actually where the hell is he?

Uraraka:Maybe he is coming but maybe had to take the long way since something went wrong.

Bakugo:Maybe but just to be sure could you call him me and him even though we're kinda becoming "friends" I believe he will answer to you in a snap.

Uraraka:W-well I could try to give it a go.


Bakugo:Um...Uraraka you good all I asked you was to try and call him.

Uraraka:Oh yeah I-I'll get t-to it.

Uraraka then called up Izuku's phone but it would go straight to voicemail granted she kept trying for about 5 times until she decided to stop feeling kind of sad that he didn't answer in a snap.

Bakugo:Let me guess he didn't answer in a snap.

Uraraka:No he didn't why'd you lie to me?

Bakugo:Hey I thought he would ans-

Suddenly the door to the classroom opened revealing Aizawa walking in with sleeping bag in hand.

Aizawa:Alright since about 99% of the class is present we will start to head to the USJ so get yourselves to the bus now.

Everyone inside the classroom then made their way towards the bus that was outside of the building but leaving 2 teens behind still waiting.

Aizawa:Bakugo Uraraka why aren't you two making your way to the bus we leave in a few minutes.

Uraraka:Well our friend D-Izuku hasn't come yet so Bakugo and I were wondering if we could wait for him to arrive.

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