Chapter 2

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•*~Paige's POV~*•

As I was lying down on my bed I heard a key enter the door and jigle around until I heard a click.

"Kelsey is home everyone!!" called Hali from what sounded like her bathroom.

"where have you been? It'd not like you to spend the night at someones place. Have you got a knew.. Wait what was it that u called your last boyfriend again?" I question whilst walking into the kitten to make myself a Mocca. Th sound of a flushing toilet filled my ears an a vision of Hali walking into the room filled my view.

" I recall her saying 'Friend that just so happens to be a guy'" she stated with a smirk. She had clearly been listening to our failed attempt at a convosation. Mind you, I'm pretty sure Grace could hear what we were saying too, even though her room was at the back of our appartment. Although, from the night she had lat night I'm sure she is a). Sleeping and b). Hung over. Her being the oldest of the 4 of us living together, she certainly is not the most respncible.

"ok, ok. So I might have spent the night at a guys place. Now, can we stop with the questions?! I'm jacketed and I have a sudden craving for a bid Mac and a long power nap before I head of to work" I agreed with that, we have cooked every night his week and I am definately in the mood for some take out food. The only minor problem is that i start work in... One hour and thirteen minutes- to be precise.

" By the way guys has anyone called? I left my phone at home and I just entered a One direction competition" as soon as Kelsey said that, I saw grace appear down the hall.

"did I hear someone say what I hink they said?" she mumbled looking like she was sleepwalking. Obviously she was too tired to lift an eyelid. Her blonde hair was all messy and I'm pretty sure she has been wearing those clothes for the last 48 hours. We all laughed as she fovered he ears and told us to shut up. The air was again filled with silence, until the phone called. It was Kelsey, she picked it up and looked at the caller ID,

"Unknown Number, should I answer it could be Derick again.."

"JUST ANSWER THE BLOODY PHONE BEFORE MY HEAD EXPLODES!!" Grace shouted across the room, the hangover was obviously getting to her. In guessing she had a migraine.

Harry's POV

"Ok so if she screams or seems like a complete stalker we-"

"Hang-up, ok Liam we-" Niall was cut out by someone answering the phone.

"Hello?" a feminate voice spoke through the receiver.

"Hi, We're One Direction!" we shouted in unison,

"Is this Kelsey?" Liam spoke in a calm voice, hurry up, cut to the chase!

"Um.. Yer? Is this a prank call?" Kelseys voice seemed unimpressed.

Kelsey's POV

"No, unless.. Wait, did you enter a competition for you and 5 friends to go on a private holiday with us for 2 days?" the males voice spoke through the phone. I looked up and every one had now formed a circle around me, Hali pick up a piece of paper and turned it in my direction on it was written a message:

Who is it?

I took my phone away from my er and put it on speaker,

"yes, I did, who is this?" I asked, my friends looking confused.

"Like we said, we are One Direction, so you are the person who won the competition! Congratulations. We would like to meet up with you and the 5 friends you have chosen to come with you. Implies up to see every one smiling, I felt like I had finally done somethin right.

"Sure, just tell me when and where and I'm sure we will be able to make it" I said now with a tone of happiness in my voice.

After standing all the details and hanging up, my ear drums burst at the sound of 4 screaming 18 year olds. Geez and they thought I was immature. We had a meeting at the coffee shop near their management block for tomorrow, they are going to pick us up at 11.30 on the dot as Louis said. Which meant.. SHOPPING!

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