Doing what's right

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Esther ^^ in her uniform


Esther's POV.

"Hey everybody! Look who decided to show their pretty face in the cafeteria today" Nicole shouted out pointing at me.

Heads turned from every direction to mine. Some people were snickering, some gave me pitiful looks while others don't seem to care.

Now that she got the attention she wanted she continued...

"This snake went around sharing lies on other people, trying to cover up the things that she did."

 "Then guess what? She goes to church every Sunday and calls herself a  Christian".

Don't make her know anything personal about you or else the whole world will know.

" You can thank me for the advice later".....

Today the teacher told her to sit next to me but she refused. You know why?

The so called church sister thinks I'm too low down for her to associate herself with. She's too holy.

She thinks she's better than everybody.

With that she started fake crying.

"You can't believe the hurtful things she tells me.... (Sobbing)

Esther: (And yes Nicole loves pity when it comes to me)

You got anything to say for yourself Esther? Sony asked (another one of Nicoles minions)


No i never one day answered them

I always hoped that someday their conscience will bother them. But apparently they don't have that.

I just packed back my stuff and walked out.

My friends followed me. Sharon was crying, she never understood why I never answered back.

Oh that just made Nicole angry because she didn't get to me.

I have a rule. " Breath and time is precious so don't waste them on worthless people".😒


"Hey honey how was school today?"

"It was awesome as usual mom. Kids keep mocking me about my old lady uniform, my long hair, they even said the only reason I don't wear make-up is because I can't afford it".

" And honey is that true?"


"Then why worry? You don't have to be like everyone else.  Give me one reason you would like to look like Jezebel..... The reason she painted her face was because she wanted God's prophet to lust after her".

Look at how beautiful and decent you look. Jesus said if a man look at you and lust at you because of your immoral dressing, you'll both be guilty of committing adultery.

" Honey I know you want to do the right thing. Don't give the devil a chance to use you, OK? 

Come give me a hug.

Mom always knew how to calm me down.  After the hug I felt so much better. She's a very wise woman.

I didn't want to tell her of the cafeteria incident today because she always told me when I see trouble run to the other direction. 

Then dad would go to school and probably start preaching, that would definitely add more to my torment.


I hate being different from the other girls. It doesn't bother Sharon so much, but why me?

I do what God says because I love him. He's so good to me. 

I was born blind but prayer made me see. I met with a car accident with three other passengers and I was the only one who  came out alive.

I owe my life to him.

God please give me patience with these girls or else I'll sin my poor soul.

Well tomorrow Tuesday, another day in earth's hell.

I'll just hope things get better.


Authors note

Hey Guys! I hope u enjoyed this chapter

Remember doing the right thing is always a challenge, so put your mind to it pray and God will help u overcome.

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