I am some times confused and for get why i strugle on in this ower, fighting forever to strive forword. Now im lost and found, traveling through the dark. I'm in a emotional werlwind of smoke and fear of desater,joy, hope ,love they all twerlin up above. I procrastinate as is my nature, because I love her; i love them all three tho none more than she for win flames we my be. But she runith frome her self and frome me. Now I'm in emotional hurecane walking blind in a dark room choking on smoke looking for the needle or wier that started the fier that now threatens to consume me.
And worse I feal the flames at my sides and some times I wish for the burn to really cair with out selfish content my reason.
To give my self to the flame and burn for i no not my true way out. so to burn to be num to emotions deap. That I now suppress and then lose sleep. I make my self happy a skil I learned long ago.
Yet in truth I don't know. For my logic and my hart war, and for this my self i dont know, and to I hardly cair to.
Love has done this to me, with its mighty bow it has struck this vital blow.
But now this love that has wounded me has fled me. Leaving in its place a bitter memory. Anger and eratataion fill me then I rid my self of them and now I am empty. Seeking new peace.