Chapter 5 (the awaking)

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Avalon POV

"Avalon dear come here my child" I look up and see the most gorgeous women I have ever seen standing in front of me. "Avalon darling you are special and people will be after you your parents are not your parents, darling I know this is a lot to take in but you mate will help you through it" I stifle a sob and manage to say "he doesn't want me I'M worthless" "Oh darling look" she showed me a image of Tyler lying beside my hospital bed looking tried and drained  soon his beta came in and tried to get him to eat but he refused and said "NO I WILL NOT EAT TILL MY LOVE IS AWAKE YOU HERE ME " I was astonished to say the least " now darling you have powers I can not tell you how but I can tell you that there are many after you and you must control your anger for now that you have found your mate the powers have been activated my child you must be careful now dear go back to your mate he has been waiting a week to see you" "thank thank you um" " dear you may call me Laura"  "well thank you Laura" and with that I woke up to a blinding light and a very mad Tyler I didnt care that he was arguing with someone I turned his head and kissed him. "your awake I thought I lost you I am so sorry Avalon I love and I was a ass and I hope you can-" I cut him of with a kiss and said "I forgive you but you need to promise me you will be faithful this is your one chance don't screw up you got it" "Yes mam " he smiled then kissed me and we fell asleep together in a heartbeat.  

Unknown POV

thank God she is awake I need her for my plane to work she probably doesn't even know what she is or that she is way more powerful than that mutt she is sleeping with I swear I will rules over everyone and I will have her I WILL

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