Chapter 1

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Who the heck is calling me this early in the morning?

You grab your phone out from under your pillow and check the who's calling you at such an ungodly hour.

Caller ID: god_of_destruction


You wonder whether you pick up or not, knowing that hearing Namjoon's voice would just put you back to sleep. Nevertheless you answer, but regret it as soon as you did.


"Damn, calm down its too early in the morning for that shit."

"Why are you always so grumpy..."

"Oh I'm sorry, but not everyone is all rainbows and butterfly's in the morning like you."

"I'm just happy."

"What do you even want?" You ask this because sometimes he just likes to piss you off. He has the habit of calling you at 6:30.

"I just wanted to remind you that you have work today and I don't want you to be late."

"How could I forget. I get to work with the best person in the world." you say while rolling your eyes.

"Oh, come on. Janice doesn't seem that bad."

"She is a demon."

"At least you have me to drive you..."

"Like that helps."

"It does. Now get up I'll be at your house soon."

You look over at your clock and see that its almost 6:50. You gasp in horror as you jump out of bed and run to the closet.

"Ok I'm hanging up, bye!"

You hang up and throw your phone on the unmade bed and go to the bathroom to do your morning routine.

Namjoon's P.O.V.

I lied...
I'm not even done with my breakfast....
Oh well. I finish up my breakfast and went to go grab my keys.

Wait a minute....
Where are my keys?!?

I look around the kitchen but can't find them


He pokes his head out from the couch pillows and lazily says," I put them under the table."

"What the Fuck were you doing with my keys?"


I give him a glare then look under the table. And there they were. I swear he does the weirdest things sometimes. Crawling under the table was harder than I thought it was. I managed to grab my keys but when I got up...
I hit my head on the table and a vase rolled off and broke into a million pieces. "How the hell is that even possible?" I cursed and looked at the mess I made. I'll just get Hoseok to clean it up.

And with that I made my way to Y/N's house.

Y/N's P.O.V.

Jeez what's taking him so long? I thought he said he was almost here...

Suddenly a black car came racing down the street and up your driveway. Namjoon got out of the car and smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry I took so long," he said while pushing back his hair," there was a bit of an accident."

You laughed and him and smiled," let me guess... You broke something?"

He looked up at you astonished, and wondering how toy guessed it. You got in the car and he did his job and drove you to work.

The ride there was in comfortable silence. You were still half asleep and didn't really feel like trying to make small talk. Sadly the dimpled boy didn't have the same mindset.

"So are you going to be ok at work today?"

"You sound like my Dad."

"I'm just concerned about you."

You raise an eyebrow at him and give him a look. "I'll have Jimin there, plus I don't think Janice is there today."

At the mention of his name Namjoon tenses. Namjoon didn't really like Jimin but he didn't show it. You only knew because he told you when he was drunk. To be honest you thought that drunk Namjoon was the best Namjoon.

"That doesn't really ease my nerves."

"Joon, I've been working here for a year and I think I'll be fine."

"Whatever you say...", he says it in a weird way that makes you laugh. You notice that you were finally at the living he- work and jumped out of his car.

"You better text me later!" he yells across the parking lot. You look around you and hope no one was around you. Namjoon also likes to embarrass the crap out of you.

"I will."

You run inside, only to find Janice with her arms crossed against her chest and her foot tapping against the floor. She looks at the clock and looks back at you.

"You're late." Her voice is like venom and it burns your ears whenever you have to listen to her. Even thought she is your boss you still make fun of her behind her back with Jimin.

"I'm sorry," you reply through your gritted teeth. I was only late by a minute, you dont need to be a bitch about it.

She walks away and leaves you to start working. This is going to be a long day...


I DID IT!!!! This is my first fanfic ever and Im so excited. Tell me what you think about it!


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