Chapter 47

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Y/N's P. O. V

"I... I am..."

He looked up at you. His eyes help pain and sorrow. A single tear slipped from his eye and he mouthed 'I'm sorry'.

"A-are you ok?" You asked gently. You were afraid that if you spoke too loud, he would disappear.

He wiped the tear away and composed himself.

"Yes, my dear... I am fine now... But it is I that should ask you that question."

"And why would that be?" You asked.

"Because I stabbed you... "

You let out a gasp and stood up from your chair. The screeching sound echoed through the place.

"Y-you're... You're Jeviel..."

"Yes, I am him. Woosung Jeviel Y/L/N is my full name."

You brought your hand up to your mouth and covered it. You let out a shaky breath and slowly began to back away from him.

"I'm not going to hurt you. That time is over now. As I said before... I'm sorry. You didn't deserve a thing like that but you must understand that it wasn't for fun." He tried to explain.

You didn't want to listen to any of it though. You were overwhelmed with emotion and wanted to leave. The closest thing to that was hiding in the willow tree.

As soon as you got behind the long curtain of flowers, you began to climb the tree. Of course it wasn't an easy task considering you were wearing a dress, but you tried nevertheless. Once you had got a good distance up, you began to think about what he said.

Why does he have the same last name as me? He was the man in my first dream and he was Jeviel? How though...? Because I would have recognized him before...

"You can hide but you can't keep running. Eventually, you'll have to face your problem, Y/N."

You didn't want to give away your hiding spot so you ignored him. Although he did know more about the place, so he could know where you were.

"Come out, Y/N! I know where you are but it's up to you whether you want to face me." He called out.

It was pretty tempting to go out this time. There were some questions that you wanted to ask him. It's now or never I guess...

With a sigh, you slowly began to climb down the tree. You went to the branches and slowly pushed them to the side.

"Ahh, there she is. Now I believe you have some things you would like answers to, right?"

"What do you mean 'not for fun'? You were laughing every time you tried to kill me." You said with a shaky breath.

"Please you'll have to let me explain, Y/N. You'll get all the answers you need."

He stuck his hand out to you. You stared at it before slowly putting your hand in his. He smiled at you and grasped your hand tighter. It began to tingle and soon everything went black.


Hewwo there readers! Sorry this is kinda late. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Oh yeah...


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