Lidia's POV:
malia almost kill me she ran to protect us, besides i couldn't belive it i still have the scream i'm so worried.
i sleept in stile's home also scott and kira, at the mornig we look for malia but we didin't find her.I was really worried for malia, she take care of me and i have to do it for her.
Today i was going to tell stiles that i like him i have to i'benn waiting for this.-stiles.-
-i need to tell you something-
-me too-
-ummm..., i like...-
-what?, i didin't hear it?-
-um, are u with malia?.-I couldn't tell him that i like him maybe he's with whit malia, i have to wait and keep calm.
-what, what do you mean..?-
-I'm saying that you like her, don't you?-
-I'm sorry where is this coming from?-
-I saw the way that you look at her, the same I do.-
-look is complic....-
-shhh, I can hear her-
ºRemember I Love Youº Stydia
Werewolfshe is the friend that everyody deserves he is the friend everybody would want they would the perfect couple but someone or something dosen*t want that. could they break that?