Just because Im not attracted to you does not mean Im lesbian

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I want to go back to England.

I mean it. The school over here is absolute rubbish. The staff are not professional and the school equipment looks like it's been peed on by a pack of wolves!

Ok, so maybe I might be exaggerating but the fact that my locker handle had gum stuck to the underside of it was a complete piss off.

Then to top it off, Wendy wakes up at 4 in the morning to vacuum the entire house. I barely even slept at 4! I was up all night trying to get rid of the empty pit in my stomach that made me wanna crawl my arse all the way back home. I only managed to throw on some black leggings and a white cotton playsuit with my hair tied into a high pony tail and my worn out white converse.

I know I said I wouldn't miss home but this was way worst.

I was currently trying to find my way to my first class with this idiotic map in my hand. Honestly, this school wasn't even that big but the map made it look like it was the entire land area of the United States of America.

My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to figure out if the little little blue dot on the map was either the loo or the room of my next class.

But no, I couldn't be left to my own peace and serenity because right then the most obnoxious thing happened.

This large body came jerking me in the shoulder sending me side ways into a slightly rusted locker

To my dismay it was a lad which I could tell by looking at the back of his black leather jacket. The twat didn't even apologize he just trotted on with his friends.

The halls were suddenly filled with low whispers as the group passed by, who did he think he was shoving people painfully in the shoulder like that.

Just because I looked like a 9th grader did not give thm the right to treat me like one.

I stormed up to the lot and jabbed my index finger at the guy who had shoved me.

At first he didn't quite budge so I had to like thump my fist against him. It was like he was made of rock.

He turned around and stared straight at me expressionless. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit intimidated by his cold gaze and tall friends.


He snapped while looking at me as if he'd rather be diving into a pool of blood thirsty sharks.His dark eyes pierced into mine, completely throwing me off about what I was going to say.

"Is there something I can help you with?"

His question may have been polite but his tone was rude and poxy. Which made me remember why I had thumped by fist against him rather fiercely in the first place.

"Well excuse you but you just can't get your arse in here and shove people around-"

He interrupted me looking rather bored,

"And what makes you think I can't?"

People were staring at us now, shitloads of people especially his tall friends and some girls in skimpy clothes who were glaring daggers at me.

"OOo dude, she's British, their feisty ones"

One of his minions whispered in his ear not so softly. By now this "dude" with the dark eyes had finished his round of staring at me shamelessly and now the fag was grinning.

"Hey, I'm sorry k? Just go back to middle school and I'm sure we'll all be fine."

He placed his hand on my shoulder and stepped closer to me.

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