Chapter 2 - Memories

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Chapter 2- Memories

I awoke to a large pair of brown eyes right in front of my blue ones. The eyes belonged to an adorable little girl whose long brown hair pulled back into a braid with a big, baby blue bow at the end. She was wearing a white cotton dress and azure ballet shoes with the ribbons climbing up her legs, overall she looked like she was fresh out of one of those 1930's films.

I realised after a while that we were just staring at each other so I broke her gaze looking around as to find out why she was here. When all I found was the tent I decided to take the first step towards friendship and speak first.

"Ahh... hello?" unfortunately it came out sounding more like a question.


"Well that was weird" I said to myself as she had already fled from the tent leaving the piercing tone of her shriek ringing in my ears. I rolled up my sleeping bag and cleaned up the bed before heading out of the tent.

"Holy mother of Pinkie Pie!"

The store was packed! I must've overslept! That meant that the store's security would've found out about their cameras! I panicked and ran to the place I hid my backpacks the night before and saw a lady looking around that general area of bags. I was shocked because while I was at dinner I had looked up the least popular suitcases (just in case this happened) and I used the information to make my decision. I groaned suddenly remembering that those had been in Denmark...yeah, not many people conduct suitcase surveys. Anyway, this woman was now looking at the exact stack of suitcases I'd hidden mine in so I walked up to it and just calmly took it from right under her nose. I smiled, I was surprised she didn't kick up fuss.

"Hey, you! That was mine!"

I spoke too soon. Why could't life be easy?

"I'm sorry ma'm, this is broken it needs to be taken in for repairs," I replied smoothly.

"You're not a worker, you're in your pajamas!"

"I'm not in my," I paused and looked down, "okay I'm in my pajamas."

"Why are you in your pajamas?"

"I don't know! You tell me!" I had seen that the conversation was getting off track and I decided to use that to my advantage by making her leave me alone.

"Urgh! At least my daughter isn't like you!" At this point the little girl from earlier went and hugged her round the waist asking her to take her to the toilet. They left and I headed off to the staff changing rooms.

I started thinking about my life back home. Did anyone miss me, did they know what happened to my parents and most importantly were they ok? I never really had friends back in Australia and I wasn't counting on that changing here. Most people thought I was a weirdo, I was an atheist, a singer, I played the guitar, I wrote, I didn't spend much time with people (let alone boys!) and I signed up for everything. They didn't like the music I listened too and they complained when I refused to get a Facebook account. People would sneer and laugh at me when they saw my report card (of straight A's) and I had even been told to kill myself when I announced that I didn't like One Direction.

I tried to rise above the hateful words but on rare occasions all my defenses would come crumbling down and leave me a crying lump at the bottom of my pool. I had always loved the water, it was a natural relaxant for me while also making my heart race. I loved the sound of it, the colour of it and the way it felt when I dove into it made me melt.

I sighed happily as I remembered one of my best products. A couple of years ago when I had felt the worst I had in months I locked myself in my room and worked day and night on a project I thought would change the world. I created a gadget that worked like gills on a fish. I was tired of having to come up for breaths while swimming so I just created it to be able to stay down there for longer. In the end I made my device, the MyGills, be able to stay underwater forever because as the air it filtered from the water went through it I found that the air would pass through it so fast that if you put fans there it could generate it's own electricity! A month later and MyGills was sold to the CIA, FBI, MI6, MI7, MI9 and one to Steve Jobs because apparently he liked to swim (to this day I don't know how he found out about it). After that day I always wore my MyGills as a reminder of my achievement so if I ever felt sad I could just look at it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2013 ⏰

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