Chapter 1 - A Whole Lot of Hacking

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Chapter 1- A whole lot of hacking.

I decided to have the chicken. I mean, the beef just sounded gross! Not that the chicken wouldn't be, it was aeroplane food. I informed the hostess of my decision then resumed watching my movie, St Trinians. I was lucky they had it because most people hadn't even heard of it, which was weird because it was just so good!

After a while I found myself zoning out, the constant drone of the plane sending me into my thoughts. I missed my parents but I knew I was making the right decision by moving to Japan, it would get me away from all the memories of them. I could already speak fluently in eleven languages and was semi-fluent in finnish, Greek, brazilian and Maori. I was officially a genius in 78 countries in the world and had been to most of them to advise their officials. It took a lot of work to cover all that up so I could do this.

I pushed away thoughts of my old life and focused on Japan. I still had no idea where I was going to live, I had the money to buy a place (since I had no one to take me in) though conning my way into getting someone to sell me the place would be easy but not worth the risk. No, I needed somewhere where no one would find me. I opened up my laptop and quickly hacked into the airplane's wi-fi (yeah that whole 'you can't have Internet while flying' thing's a lie, I spent a year creating a product that counter-acts the interference, they only say it now to save money). I logged into my email and checked it before searching up places around Osaka.

"The seatbelt sign is now on" the calm, slightly unnerving voice of the hostess woke me from a deep sleep. I realised I had fallen asleep on my laptop. My cheek, which probably had letters imprinted on it, was pressing onto the right-hand side of my keyboard and the google search bar was full of random letters. Because I was curious I 'selected all' and copied it into pages to check the amount of letters, there was 4,975. I laughed, making the bald man in a singlet that showed his beer belly beside me stare, like I was a lunatic. Yeah, that's me, Pearl Evans, proffesional crazy person.

I quickly looked back at my search, looking at the pictures of my new town, stifling my laughter. It was pretty with cherry blossoms and the greenest grass I ever saw. It also had a wood, so I planned to buy a tent and a few other essentials and I could live in there. As for school there was a beautiful private school where I could enrol in (on a scholarship, of course). I would have to make sure I wasn't too above average though, otherwise they would suspect something and all my hard work would be for nothing.

I realised how close we were to landing and quickly covered the tracks of my hack in their database, blaming the breach on a faulty locking system. Before I completely logged out of their system I sent a quick e-mail to my favourite chef, Heston Blumenthal. He did this show called Heston's mission impossible where he took on the most incredible of tasks (based around food) so I sent him this:

'Dear Mr Blumenthal,

Our airline, along with many others, have received many complaints about our food. We have seen your latest show and decided to send you an email. We have heard of your techniques and experience with food in situations like this and would love it if you could help us out.


Asian Airlines'

I smiled as I sent it. No more horrible airplane food! With that taken care of I logged out of the system just as the plane landed. Grinning, I took my stuff and walked out of the plane. Today was just the beginning. The beginning of something better.

* * *

I saw the moss burger, a fast food shop, and headed inside. I needed Internet, fast. I saw their free Internet sign from a a kilometer away, it was that bright! I knew this was a great place to go. Not only did it have free wifi but I didn't even have to hack into it, I just needed to buy a burger which was exactly what I wanted right now. Their cheap but fresh burgers were amazingly delicious. I ordered a teriyaki chicken burger and went into the bathrooms.

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