Chapter 3

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Dean's POV:

I stir awake and glance at the clock. 2 AM. Great. Another sleepless night. I look over to check on y/n and the research.

Her head rests on her elbows on the table. She's out. I walk over and pick her up. Not wanting her to get uncomfortable on the couch, I set her on my bed. I take some pills to help me sleep and lay down next to her. The pills work quickly and I slowly drift off to sleep, breathing in the soapy smell of y/n.

Your POV:

The sun shining through the window wakes me up. I immediately smell the familiar smell of soap, smoke, and musk. This is what Dean smells like.

Something stirs beside me. It is then that I realize the muscular arm wrapped tightly around my waist. I lay as still as possible as Dean wakes up. His arm lifts from my waist and it takes everything in me not to pull him back down beside me.

He stands up to walk over to the kitchen to pour a cup of coffee. I lay in bed for a couple of minutes before getting up.

"So why did I wake up in your bed?" I ask, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"You fell asleep while researching and I didn't want you to be uncomfortable on the couch." His raspy morning voice kills me. I don't know how much longer I can take this.

"Where's Sam?" I ask, wanting to change the subject.

"He went to get some kind of breakfast smoothie thing. Did you find out anything about the case?"

"Yeah, I think it's a djinn. Only 1 body was found in an old abandoned warehouse, drained of blood."

"But djinns don't move all of the sudden. They stay in 1 place for life. Why would this one move?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. There have been 2 other missing persons cases in the last 3 days. This thing is moving fast for some reason."

"Well, how many warehouses are there in this town?"

"7," I answer, sounding defeated. Dean's face drops.

"Do you know how long that could take?"

"Well, if we all split up in different warehouses, we could cover more ground."

"And get ourselves killed?! This is a djinn, y/n. These things see someone, they go after them. Nothing is getting in their way."

"Any other bright ideas then?"

"Not yet, but we'll think of something," Dean says. Just then, the door opens. Sam walks in with a file folder and a green smoothie.

"Sorry to interrupt your date, but I may have found something," Sam says, taking a sip from his smoothie. My face turn a bright shade of red.

"What is it?" Dean says, picking up the folder.

"The warehouse where they found the girl? It was going to be demolished to build a bar."

"And that's why the djinn moved so quickly," Dean said, his eyes scanning the papers.

"Exactly. And guess what? All the victims went to the same bar, The Tipsy Cow."

"So you think the djinn might be there?" I ask.

"Wouldn't hurt to look," Sam says.

"Welp, let's get ready guys. Looks like we're gonna hunt us a djinn tonight," Dean says, setting the folder on the table.

I get up and start getting clothes out of my bag to get dressed. Sam runs into the bathroom before I could reach the door.

"Bitch!" I yell after him. I can hear him laughing through the door. I look over at Dean. He has his shirt off and is in the process of changing. I can't help but stare.

Let's please just get this hunt over with. 

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