Part 1

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(Y/n) stood in front tower that towered over many others in the city of Manhattan. (Y/n) had recently received a letter in her email for a job to work as a assistant for none other the. Tony Stark, (y/n) had accepted the job and soon before she knew it she was standing outside of the very building the man worked - lived in along with the earth's mightiest heroes. Plus the pay was good - $500 dollars a week, (y/n) wouldn't turn that down.
Entering the building (y/n) showed the letter tony had recently sent her in the mail to the towers receptionist in the lobby, nodding the women, who's name (y/n)'s come to learn was Susan allowed the women a pass and access up to the main floor. With a smile (y/n) departed from the women and into the lobby's elevator.
"Wait!," shouted a man rushing towards the elevator. (Y/n) was quick to press the open button and soon the elevator doors resumed open, the man was only a few inches taller then (y/n) he had dark locks of hair that were spiky and short on his head and a few wrinkles, (y/n) sniffed the air unconsciously and couldn't help but notice his statues as a alpha, a taken alpha.
"Thank you for that," breathed the man.
"No problem," (y/n) responses back with a smile. Continuing with her actions (y/n) pressed the button for the 20ty floor as well as the close doors button, the man beside her takes notice. "Main room? What business do you have there?"
The question wasn't a command like most alphas tone it was one of curiosity deciding to be professional about her response she then says, "I have been recently hired by Mr. Stark as a assistant. He instructed me to meet him on the 20th floor where he would introduce me towards the other."
"The others?," the man says crossing his arms over his chest, "You mean like the other avengers?," he asks. (Y/n) doesn't respond with words instead she simply nods her head, "Do you know about them?," asks the man.
Not wanting to give away any information to the unknown man who has yet to introduce himself (y/n) simply replies, "I know the basics. I know the team is made up of Scarlett Witch, Falcon, Captain America, Former Winter Soldier, Black Widow, Thor, a robot decided by Mr. Stark names Vision, Iron man whom is Mr. Stark of course, Hawkeye, Quicksliver a man whom is the twin of Scarlett Witch, Ant - Man though I am not sure him nor that Spider - Man are on the team official."
"Well you've done your research," smirks the man arms still crossed over his chest. "Yes well when you are to be working with one of the many super heroes in New York you tend to know their names," laughed (y/n).
The elevator rings signaling that the two have reached their floor, "Oh god I've never asked which floor you were going too," (y/n) says with wide eyes just before she actually exited the elevator. "Don't worry about it kid, this is my stop," he says with a laugh exiting the elevator.
"By the way the names Clint. It's a pleasure to meet you," he says with a fatherly smile before leaving off down the hallway. Exiting the elevator (y/n) took in her surrounds, the view was lovely (y/n) could see half of Manhattan from where she was standing and she was sure if she was to walk closer towards the wide windows that she would be able to see much more.
Suddenly the elevator dinged behind her but (y/n) paid no attention to it, her eyes were still locked on the view from the window. "Beautiful isn't it?," asks a voice behind her. It was deep a bit high but deep enough to identify as a mans voice, "Yes. Very beautiful -" (y/n) spins around and she could feel her heart race at the man in front of her. Blonde hair, blue eyes and a very built form. This was Captain America but he wasn't alone, on either sides of him was Falcon and former Winter Soldier. Unconsciously once again (y/n) sniffs the air, alphas, all three of them - unmated and... the smell of home. Pumpkin pie, sea water and sweat with a hint of vanilla filled her scenes and she couldn't help but to breath it in.
The room had fallen silent, Bucky and Sam had paused mid argument and sniffed the air. Their eyes traveled forward before it stopped on a women, they sniffed the air once more different scented filled air but they all came from her - one thing they all had in common was the scent of home that came from the omega in front of them. Omega, unmated, smells like chopped wood, dust from old library books and lavender soap. To the three alphas the scent smelled like home for them.
Bucky was the first to react to the omega in front of him, he had strutted straight up to her and sniffed his noise against her neck gaining a small whimper from her as the tip of his noise brushed up against her mating gland, "Omega," he breaths a slight groan leaving his lips followed by a growl.
"Barnes back away," Sam growls stepping forward. His chest was barred out forward in a way any alpha would when they were ready to attack another alpha, (y/n)'s (e/c) eyes darted between the two alphas a whimper left her again and that's when the first cramp hit her. She whimpered even more this time with want and need, her hands instantly grip at her stomach hoping to ease the pain but the smell of all three unmated alphas scents hit her and she whimpered once more as another cramp hit her.
Steve struggled to control his inner alpha, he knew he would lose the fight against the beast inside but he still tried. "Guys," he calls out to sam and Bucky with a tensed body he stepped inbetween the two alphas, knowing it was dangerous but still having not cared. "Knock it off -" Steve paused his eyes feel on (y/n) and upon hearing the whimper leave her mouth he knew he had lost the battle against his inner alpha, he abandoned his position in between his two friends and instead he rushes over to the omega who winches in pain on the carpet floors of Tony's.
"Please," (y/n) begged just as another wave of pain hits her, she could feel her slick trailing down her thighs and flooding her panties she knew her jeans were long gone now - ruined by her slick from her unexpected heat, "Please alphas."
Steve as well as Sam and Bucky takes note of her words, she hadn't just said alpha no she wasn't just calling out to only one of them - she was calling out to all of them. "Please alphas need your knot," she whimpers. (Y/n) pants as she turns her glance from away all three alphas she could feel her stomach clench up again the feel of a new wave of slick sliding down her thighs and corners of her panties that too were ruined. She felt embarrassed. Never before had any alpha made her feel this way - well alphas.
Bucky growls as the omega in front of him calls him by his title, he clenched his jaw and turns to Steve. "So what are we gonna do punk?," he asks. "We can't just leave her here. Who knows if some other alpha might come along and forcefully mate her."
"We aren't mating her Bucky," Steve groans out.
"Like hell we aren't Steve! Tell me you can't smell it on her, the scent of home, the scent of your mate. I know you smell it on her cause I damn sure enough do," Bucky says.
"I agree with Barnes, as much as it kills me too," Sam says with crossed arms breathing in the scent of the omega. "We can't leave her here to be forcefully mated by some douchbag alpha. You heard her Steve, she needs our knot."
"Omegas only need one mate and one knot," Steve says with a tensed form. (Y/n) - the omega was so close to him that he was finding it hard to control himself from jumping her then and there.
"Not all omegas have one knot or mate. Steve you should know this by now," Bucky says.
"It could kill her," Steve points out.
"Encase you haven't realized Steve this heat she's having could kill her, she looks to be about 24 - Steve a omega isn't suppose to go this long without a mate. A unmated omega is dangerous and could not only go feral without a alpha or knot but they can die."
Sam keeps his eyes focused on (y/n)'s whimpering form and as much as he wants to advance forward first he knows that not only him but Steve and Bucky are gonna need her permission first. "Fine," Steve growls out before he turns his attention to the omega in heat.
"Hey doll, I'm gonna help you," he says glancing at Bucky and Sam from the corner of his eye, "We all are doll. Is that what you want? You want our knots omega?," he asks gaining another whimper from the omega as well as a moan.
"I'm going to have to ask you to use words doll. We can't do anything to stop your heat without your permission doll," Steve says, his voice came out almost in a whispering tone, he knew if she agreed he would be ready to jump her then and there and from the looks Bucky and Sam were giving her they would too.
"Yes! Oh god yes alpha! Alpha's please!," (y/n) begs.

Three Alpha's, Three Mates, Three KnotsWhere stories live. Discover now