Part 2

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It wasn't long before Steve had (y/n) in his arms as he stormed down the hallways of the 20th floor with both Bucky and Sam on his trail, the two men in the back kept their eyes on (y/n) they would whisper sweet nothings to her along the way and it helped her heat a bit easing up the pain she was feeling by hearing their voices. But once everyone had made it to a Sam's room, which was the closest all hell broke loose.
(Y/n) had breathed in Sam's room scent and that somehow drive her over the edge, her back arched in Steve's arms and he had to grip onto her tightly as a orgasm ripped through her. Slick had long since covered Steve's arms and he was thankful for having wore a sleeveless t-shirt cause her slick had let a rather wet, sticky stain on his arm.
"Doll I'm gonna put you down now, is that alright?," askes Steve. (Y/n) doesn't physically speak her words but she nods in reply, though she hadn't wanted to leave her mates arm she knew she had two other alpha mates that wanted to hold her just as much as Steve had. Bucky was the first to grab at her once Steve had played her down, Bucky had grabbed at her hand with his human hand, his fingers trailed up and down over the back of her hand taking in how soft her skin was, "You know doll. We still don't know your name," Bucky says with a soft smile.
He knew this must've been weird for her. Hell, it was weird for them too. No one really knew each other expect for the boys and to have a omega in their bed right now waiting for their knots, the boys wanted to take things slow. They wanted to get to know her but with her heat drawing out a early rut for them it was going to be hard. The least they could do was get her name and permission first before they fucked her like wild animals into the sheets.
"(Y/n)," she replies back. Her hooded eyes stared up into Bucky's own slightly hooded eyes. "(Y/n)," Bucky repeats. "Beautiful name omega," he says. Sam comes up onto the other side of his bed - he bypasses Steve who's at the end of the bed taking off (y/n)'s shoes and socks before gently massaging her feet.
"Bucky's right you know omega. You have a beautiful name," Sam says, "It fits you."
"T-thank you," (y/n) stutters out, she could feel another wave of slick beginning to come along and she couldn't help but to bite her lip to silence the heavy moan that was to fall from her lips. "Don't do that," Bucky growls out.
"Don't do what?," (y/n) questions her large doe eyes stared into Bucky's eyes and Bucky felt his inner alpha scratching at the walls of his chest to break free. No matter how much he - but not just him they all wanted to go primal and mate their omega they knew they couldn't. They were all good at heart, if it meant taking things slow at first they would, just for her.
"Don't nite your lip," Bucky breaths. "It's turning me on," Bucky says.
"Yeah," (y/n) breaths out softly. "Yeah," Bucky replies.
"Whatcha gonna do about it then?," (y/n) doesn't know where this playful energy all of a sudden came from, she felt the need to tease her alpha. Her omega side pounded at her chest to submit - begged her to let the alpha's just take her. Suddenly her confidence faded upon seeing the dark look coming from Bucky, it wasn't a mad or angry look it was more of a dominant look, one that expressed just exactly what he was going to do to her.
"Oh I can think of a few ideas," he growls.
"Hey! Hold on terminator, why the hell to you get to have her first?," Sam questions in anger.
"I get to have her first cause she wants me too. Right doll?," Bucky smirks at her submissive behavior, he watches as she turns her glacé from him towards Sam and he growls jealous of that look she was giving him , he latches out at attacks her lips with his own.
His hand grips the side of her face firmly, mental fingers slide up the other side of her face and she shivers at the coolness from it but signs at the feeling of metal fingers rubbing up against her scalp, a gasp leaves her mouth and she arches her neck out towards Bucky as he viciously attacks her neck with licks and bites.
"Hey! Be careful with her magnet boy," Sam growls but Steve's stand stops him. "Leg him," Steve says with his eyes focus on the pair. "Leave him?! Steve now why in the hell would I do that. Magnet boy over here could hurt her with his metal hand or something, he could snap into his little mood at any given moment during this process," Sam says.
"He won't," Steve says.
"And how do you know that?!," sam asks with a furious and frustrated expression. "Because if Bucky does snap into the Winter Soldier we'll be there to stop him from hurting (y/n). Plus look at him -" Steve nods his head over towards (y/n) and Bucky - bucky who was still lashing out against her neck leaving hickeys all over. "He needs this. Bucky needs omega. Think about it, HYRDA holds him for centuries - decades and not once has he had a omega. They've wiped him and gave him suppressants to hide his alpha status from everyone. He's just now getting back to normal, he's just now becoming a real alpha and learning everything, opening up more," Steve says.
"So trust me," Steve gives Sam a pat on the back. "He won't hurt her."
Sam sighs and huffs through his noise his eyes drift over to Bucky and (y/n) who's practically naked now on his bed. Her top is lifted, her right breast exposed as Bucky plays with her nipple with his metal hand gripping at it, the other breast is covered by Bucky's face by from the moans leaving (y/n)'s mouth she's enjoying the sensation of having her nipple in his mouth being attacked.
Bucky has long since lost his shirt and was grinding his lower half against her leg almost like a dog in heat but wasn't that what they all were going to be doing soon. Grinding up and all against her body like dogs in heat - well in this case rut.
"Fine then," Sam huffs out. "But do they really have to do this in my bed?," he groans.
Steve laughs at Sam's comment and the two begin exiting the room to give Bucky and (y/n) some time alone. "You let us into your room pal, remember that," he laughed. Sam huffs once more annoyed with how correct Steve is, he did in fact let them into his room.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2018 ⏰

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