T h e T r u t h U n t o l d

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Donkki never thought love was real, always dismissed it as fiction, or something people made up. It wasn't easy when her parents always asked if she had a boyfriend or girlfriend. No, it indeed wasn't easy with all the love letters she got everyday. She thought they were foolish, oh how her mind changed when she meet Coffee, the new person in school. Coffee didn't have a gender, they didn't like labels due to it being different for everyone and was just tired of all the questions so they decided to go by they/them pronounces, nobody mined, it made everything easier, not having to think of why that person called them he, or she.

Donkki, of course loved that, she didn't have to deal with people calling her a lesbian when she was in fact bisexual. It was just a normal day at Food academy, the regular of walking to class because people were idiots and wanted everyone to have a hard time. Douche bags. Donkki thought to herself while entering math class.

   The teacher stood proud behind his desk, a wide smile placed on his hideous face. Donkki rolls her eyes and takes a seat in the back, far away from the bloody window, and the dreaded sun.

   Coffee walks into the room with their dark fluffy brown hair, their eyes almost covered by it. God, Donkki almost fell in love right away but had to remind herself that they just looked like her favourite character.

   She rests her head in her palm while taking side glances at them and comparing them to her favourite characters. Damn, they looked so much alike, it was almost like they weren't even real, only something her mind made up.

   But that thought was immediately crushed as the other students greeted them. Donkki rolls her eyes, looking away from the scene that was unfolding in front of her. She looks out the window far form her, the sun just not hitting her, only the tip of her finger.

   "Hey, Donkki." Her eyes widen as she hears the voice, oh how sweet it was. She looks to Coffee and forces herself to smile.

   "Hey, Coffee." They smile back and take a seat next to her, her cheeks heat up as his thighs brush against hers, the chair way too close for comfort.

   "Is it ok if I sit here?" She nods before looking back out the window and letting her smile drop. "Do you want to hangout?"

   "Uh, sure."

   Soon after going out for the first time they got married.

~ fin

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