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Ingrid' s POV

As I got into the taxi ready to go home I felt a drop of rain fall onto my head and then drip onto my shoulder so I quickened my pace and slammed the car door shut trying my best to keep the rain out and my feelings in, as I began to settle into my seat I jumped back to my senses as the driver suddenly said in his mockingly happy Swansea accent "where to miss", Fuck I hate to begin called miss I thought to myself but I responded very quickly and in an emotionless tone of voice ready to be done talking for the day "Upper Street, fable apartments"

I noticed that the driver had a shocked expression on his face as he started looking me up and down since I don't look like the rich type, but in no time he started to reverse out and I could finally look at my phone which had been flashing all day.

Before I started looking at the notifications I started vigorously wiping the water off my phone screen and after all the water had soaked into my jacket sleeve I slid my hand into my pocket to retrieve my earbuds.

As soon as I plugged my earbuds in and started listening to Panic! At The Disco, a faint memory popped into my head. I began to remember yesterday when Dan said I should listen to Death Of A Bachelor but suddenly I stopped myself from thinking that because I remembered this morning's events and I knew neither of the boys deserved my thoughts until I knew I could trust them again but my mind started spiraling and I kept swinging between that they deserved sympathy and that they didn't deserve sympathy.

*Little Time Skip*

As I reached my apartment my eyes began to water so I started to quicken my pace as so I could cry in privacy. My door finally unlocked and I rushed in and just flopped on the floor by the door not bothering to lock it.

As tears flooded my eyes my inner demons took control over my body, I stood up even though my tears blinded me I started to walk towards my kitchen somewhere where I don't need to see to get to. I started to fumble around my apartment trying to get to the kitchen before I regained control.

Once I reached the kitchen I reached out my right hand searching for something to stop my inner pain and torment, quickly I felt the cold metal object, that will do just fine, I proceeded to roll up my black jeans and as my mind started to regain control over the actions I cut into my left leg.

Suddenly I fell onto the cold kitchen tiles in pain and my mind had total control now, I dropped the knife in utter panic and just cried silently not wanting to raise any concern with my neighbors. As the storm that I was warned about got louder and stronger my cries or help were silenced.

Suddenly I managed to reach my hand up to grab my phone to call for help, as I scrolled through my contacts page in the stir of utter terror and blindness I clicked on a contact, as the phone started to ring I began to wonder if I just called Phil but before I could check the person picked up.

"Hey, what's up?" It was a male but I didn't remember who it was.

As I sobbed into the phone I managed to let a word escape " help"

"Don't go anywhere I'm on my way!" he said into the phone before he hung up


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