Umm...tagged by @SirSatanJr

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So...I've been tagged by SirSatanJr yet again.. we go.


1.) Do you care what people think?

A. Depends on the person

2.) Middle Name?

A: Well... let's just say it's a name of my mom's favorite character from her favorite anime. 

3.) Favorite sport?

A: ew...sports

4.) Best freind?

A: well I have a few soooo

5.) Someone I couldn't live without?

A: Many many people. My freinds, my family, and of course...MY ANIME MEBS

6.) Nicknames?

A: Meggietron, Juan, Anime, The yaoi queen, potato baby, sisger, meggie...(there's a lot more we could be going for days.

7.Are you more cute or sexy?

A: can I choose neither? 

8.) Preferred pronouns?

A: Well I use she/her but if you call Me he/him I won't give a crap. Go ahead.

9.) Have you ever been asked out?

A: Sadly, yes. In sixth grade. By a boy who I grew to hate for multiple reasons

10.) Do you believe in soulmates and true love?

A: not really. I mean it depends. 

11.) Pet peeves:

-When someone says shhhh really loudly It makes me want to slap them

-people chewing really loudly

-ASMR videos

-when you are drawing with a material that smudges easily and you smudge it and ruin it and when you try to fix it you ruin it even more. 

-when in animes, shows, or books people almost kiss (I'm lookin at you mako and haru)

-When you get points off  on a test because you did something stupid. 

Ex: getting a 98 on a test because I forgot to round a number up on my math test. Getting a 99 because I forgot that ph isn't a thing in Spanish so I put fotographia instead of fotografia on a spanish test. I was pissed lemme tell ya. 

-when there's no food in the house except for soup. (Does that happen to anyone else or just me)

-well personal space. 

-When you're on a bus to school and there are no other seats other than one with someone that you dont know so you sit next to them and it's very awkward and yeah


-when someone goes onto a fanfic just to hate on that show, book, ship, etc. 

I could go on and on and on. I could make a full book on all my pet peeves. I'll just leave it at here. 

12.) Emotional?

Very. Very very very very emotional. Like omg lol. 

13.) Words I say to often. 

Umm...? SirSatanJr plz tell me this Idk maybe yaoi or anime? Idkkk

Wait I say sorry I lot like oml. 

14.) picture of myself:

) picture of myself:

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15.) Favorite picture of someone else

Karen is beautiful 

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Karen is beautiful 

16.) Favorite hobby?

A. Watching anime or playing video games (also playing instruments lol)

17.) My role model? 

Well...My mom. 

18.) Someone I know and love? 

Umm lots of peeps. (@SirSatanJr lobe you lollll)

19.)  Crush? 

Umm Mikasa and Kaori. And yuri. And victor. And Makoto. And Armin.... (I have a lot more that are fictional but real on my heart but no real person.)









and yeah. Hope you all have a nice day :D baiiii

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