Ep1 The Hybrid Student

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As the chopper had landed Majix ran off and out yelled " land , thank god no more listening to Chiffon just repeating the same stuff they did in America" as Chiffon stepped out of the chopper a girl greeted her "so how was the trip Chiffon"? You know pretty normal Ticky". After Chiffon got off the chopper I said "I'm sorry about that look it's just when I was still in America they pretty much gave me the same lecture  a lot" Chiffon chuckled then said " it's ok , I can tell , also this is my friend Ticky , Ticky couldn't believe how young I looked so she asked " how old are you" after she did Majix just sighed then answered " I may look 13 but I'm not I'm actually 16 even though I don't act it" after I was done answering her we began my tour of West Genetics as we were Majix played stupid and surprised when I herd an explosion and screaming "what the Hell was that Chiffon" she sighed then answered " so the carnival must still be going on" , " what're talking about that doesn't sound fun" ........ else where in the head master office Sister Margaret was looking at a reflection in the window seeing the papers about how America has found a boy that was suitable to be both a Pandora as well a Limiter so they sent him here to see what we can do with a boy who's a Pandora and Limiter"as she did .

We continued our tour as we did there was a sudden interruption as glass broke near us , as it did a red head with long twin tails that were braided who clothes were pretty mangled who had serval cuts and chains with pointed tips on the ends behind her as well , then a blond with hair down to her lower back landed in a hole her cloths had very unnoticeable tears as well fewer cuts then the red head as well a sword to as they both were gonna start to fight again Majix sigh then spoke " ok that it , screw this I'm done playing stupid" in a more aggressive voice different not like the passive person both Chiffon and Ticky were with , after I cracked all knuckles and  demeanor changed then ran into the middle of them after I did stopped both Satellizer and Ganessa bare handed Majix as I did spat a little blood everyone just  gawked at me and my injuries as I should be down from being impaled several times as they did saw several Stigmas on his back , the security cameras were watching as I interrupted the fight Chiffon spoke " so the rumors were true about America there being a boy who has Stigmas on him as well a Limiter" after Majix yanked the sword out gave Satellizer sword back then said " I'm sorry , and I think that you're cute , as he surprised her by saying that while she was still shocked hit her in the chest then took her sword like a surgeon perfectly cutting none of her vital areas up as well cut the tendons up in both her arms and legs then put her sword down ....... after I did spat some more blood up , then shouted hey Chiffon and Ticky get three stretcher , then took Ganessa's spikes out there we go don't want anyone cheating do we" as I was grinning , Chiffon screamed at Majix "are you insane" I just chuckled then said " just give me a sec and I'll answer just get those stretchers , Volt Weapon" after Majix spoke a scarf appeared around his neck , Ganessa chuckled a little at Majix , what's so funny" Ganessa answered as she was charging "the fact that your weapon  is a scarf , it being around your neck it pretty much is a noose" as she was throwing her spikes as I was dodging my heart started racing a little said " I can't say how long I've been waiting to fight two Pandora that made my heart start to race , but it's time to end this" after Majix spoke he took his scarf off then it turned into a sword similar to Satellizer's as I continuously countered which annoyed Ganessa then I started to attack as I did she couldn't keep up with Majix he then disappeared Ganessa then herd someone right behind her say " sorry but this is checkmate as she saw my sword sticking out of her chest turn back into a scarf then disappeared Majix then laid Ganessa down as I did a older gentleman said over the intercoms around the school " attention the carnival is over the winner is a unknown Pandora , which means both the Queen of Binding and the Untouchable Queen have both lost I repeat they both have lost".

As the student body herd that they both lost because of interference by a unknown Pandora as they were saying " finally someone had beaten Satellizer" everyone in a different way . Else where as I was walking back to both Chiffon and Ticy as I was said " told you I only needed a sec , but was interrupted as I fell from the blood lose fell in to Satellizer's breast and then the ground ..... several hours later Majix woke up in a hospital room on West Genetics campus as I did saw a older woman standing at the window in nun clothing with clothing for him and the blond girl who  Majix had fought in a wheelchair they both then turned around then the nun spoke "welcome to West Genetics Majix , as she spoke put a school boy's uniform on the table next to my bed , I know this wasn't how you thought your first day here was gonna end Majix, let me introduce myself my name's Sister Margaret I'm the head master of this institute , this is one of the two girls you beat earlier her name is Satellizer L  Bridget A.K.A The Untouchables Queen , Sister Margaret continued to speak as she did I tried to get up but couldn't move much , yes I'm sorry about you not being able to move much unfortunately we used a little to much sedatives since the American's weren't specific on how you'd react to certain medications given to you , give it one more day or a few the numbness should be gone but you strike me as someone who's to ambitious and not very patient well I'm gonna leave you two so you can talk" after Sister Margaret spoke she then left us.

I gulped then broke the tension by saying " this is kinda awkward you getting left in the person room who beat you ... uh crap ..... I'm so sorry that came out wrong I'm not trying to sound arrogant...um all I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry about what happened Satellizer".......Satellizer then spoke " well I hate you , cause I can still remember where you cut me after you dazed me by saying that I was cute" as I had my face all wrinkled up stopped trying to itch my nose then responded to what Satellizer said " no I was truthful with you about being cute that why I gave you non fatal cuts on both your arms and legs with swallow cuts so you couldn't hold your sword and dodge with your legs ".

After Sister Margaret left we kept speaking a boy with blond hair wearing a boy's school uniform was walking to the hospital as he was a girl with reddish brown hair wearing a girls uniform said " what you doing Aurth" after he saw who it was said " oh it's just you Kaho , oh doing nothing it's you know how demanding Ganessa can be sometimes" Kaho didn't look really convinced , then Kaho spoke " you're curious  like me you want to know what the new transfer student looks and is like of course and check on Ganessa to" they walked in after they did herd a nurse say man that new transfer Pandora and Limiter is quite a pain to deal with as he was complaining and he kept walking down the hallway both Aurth and Kaho walked down the hall the nurse came from after a few minutes they finally found Majix room when they did walked in a little when they did saw me struggling fighting against the sedatives to sit up Majix then stopped after Majix did I said "who's out there" ...... after I did both Aurth and Kaho walked in my room and couldn't believe what they saw , when they came in saw Satellizer sitting in my room in a wheelchair talking with me about how I interfered in the Carnival .... Satellizer said " you're a idiot you know that" I just chuckled at how she was flustered about it as I did then asked " do you know these two people Satellizer" ... both Aurth and Kaho broke the tension as they introduced themselves Aurth went first "my name is Aurth" then Kaho introduced herself and "my name is Kaho , we just wanted to know what the new student looked like that was both a Pandora and Limiter Hybrid".

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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