Chapter 2

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"Maxine? Maxine Chardwell?" You called our into the busy coffee shop. Maxine walked over and took her coffee from you, leaving a pretty generous tip.

"Thanks. Come again!" You said, sounding very much like a broken record. You glanced over at the clock and sighed. You still had thirty minutes until your shift ended. You had watched different faces come in and out of the shop. Some buying practically the whole menu, while others would only come in and ask for a free water. Sometimes you wondered if anyone in Detroit ever heard of tips. Only a few generous people left some money for you, but the max you made on a regular day was 20$. You finally finished serving a girl who had ordered a Carmel coffee with a biscuit. You still have fifteen minutes left, but no one else seemed to be coming in. You glanced around the shop.

Sometimes you would eavesdrop on conversations. It was the only way you caught up with the drama in Detroit.

"Yo did you watch the battle last night? I'm telling you free world is gonna take everyone by storm!" A man said. You turned towards them, careful not to make eye contact. You instantly remembered Marshall, the guy you had met a few days prior. He was supposed to be battling tonight. You had all but forgotten about him as the busyness of the week swept your thoughts away.

"Excuse me." You found yourself saying. The two men gave you a once over.

"Whatchu want?" He asked.

"Do you know whose battling tonight?" You asked curiously.

"We ain't really sure. But a sweet girly like you shouldn't be getting mixed up in that game." The one with the beanie said.

"I can handle myself, but thank you." You said, trying not to sound disappointed. "Uh.. do you know a.. a.." you paused.

You remembered that he had specifically told you not to tell anyone that his name was Marshall.

"B-uh.. Hmm." You paused for a moment. "It's right at the tip of my tongue."

"B rabbit?" One of them asked. The two of them looked at each other and laughed.

"Yeah, him." You said. "You know him?"

"Not personally. I heard he choked on stage last week. If he's battling tonight I'd love to go and watch him freeze on stage again." The man joked.

"That's rude." You said curtly. "I heard he's pretty good."

"Whoever told you that was lyin to you sweetie. He's a loser, and everyone knows it." One of them said.

You said nothing, and went back to scrubbing the dishes. Inside you were fuming and you didn't know why. It's not like you were friends with Marshall. You'd only talked to him once the entire week. He hadn't called or texted you since the day that you helped him.

You thought back to the day the two of you met. You found yourself wondering if his bruises had healed yet.

"Y/n, What're you still doing here? Your shift is over." Your boss, Audrey, told you. Audrey was easily your best friend. She owned the little cafe you worked at and she was annoyingly beautiful.

"Oh sorry." You mumbled, wiping your hands on your apron and taking it off.

"What's wrong? You seem down." She said.

"Nothing." You said cheerfully.

She studied you for a moment. "It's a guy isn't it?"

"What? No!" You lied. "Look Audrey, I gotta get home. Matthew is waiting for me." You said.

"Your cat?" She asked skeptically. "Really?"

"Yeah, you know he has separation anxiety." You reminded her. She rolled her eyes and gave you a dismissive wave. You shot her a knowing smile that said 'I know you love me'. You walked out or the shop and stalked over to your car.

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