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  Sorry I've been taking so long. Kinda at a writers block.

  THANK YOU ALL FOR SUCH AWESOME SUPPORT! You guys are the reason I keep doing this.

  Mini stan rant: SABRINA RELEASE THE DATE TO HER ALBUM!!!! November 9th!!!!! IM SO HAPPY!!! 😭😭😭😭

Short but next part will be longgg.

       So things were gradually getting back to a some sort of normal. Lucas and Maya were playing on going on a official date, Zay was flirting with less girls but more on Kira, and Smackle still hadn't talked to Farkle.

School just ended and Kira was waiting for Maya and Smackle, with Zay.

"I don't think you and I have actually had a normal conversation," Zay asked Kira as she leaned against the lockers.


"Well I wanna get to know you."

"I'm sorry, Zay, but I don't wanna go out with you yet. I've been out with too many douches."

"Okay. Okay. I will say that one stung a little, but I was talking about being friends. When someone joins the group, I think I should make a effort to get to know them individually."

"Oh. Uh... well sure! I guess I saw you as they flirty one that has no dignity, or whatever you call it..."

"It's cool. We got judge a book by its cover. I thought you were-"

"Yeah I don't need to hear it," Kira interrupted, then laughed.

  Zay and Kira chatted for a bit, until Izzy came walking up to them holding her books tight to her chest.

  "Have you guys seen Fark-"

"Hi guys," Farkle said coming from the classroom behind them.

  "SHITZUS AND FUNCAKE!!!!" Izzy said and hid behind her books.

  "Hello, Isadora. How are you," Farkle smiled.

  Izzy stood up straight, and looked at Kira. Kira pretended to snap her fingers and then turned it to the sassy point with her head following.

  Izzy attempted to mock Kira's gesture, "I'm fine! Fine-er than I've ever been! Don't chu tryin' sweet talk your way back into MY life. This ships has sAilEd," Izzy said and her voice cracked nervously on the last word.

   Kira nodded at her enthusiastically, and Zay watched confused.

  "Um... Izzy can we just talk," Farkle asked.

   Izzy looked at Kira for instructions. Kira looked at Farkle with a eyebrow raised, and shook her head.

   "I don't think so! We, Farkle Minkus, are done," Izzy said trying to sound sassy but sounded more like a robot.

   Farkle's mouth was slightly open wondering what he just witnessed. Then Izzy copied Kira's instructions to flip her hair and walk away.

   When she did, she realized she walked the wrong way, and quickly walked towards the exit.

   "What was that," Farkle asked, turning to both Zay and Kira.

  Zays eyes were wide open, staring off toward Izzy. "I don't know man... that was weird."

"That there, Mr. Bowl Cut, was a independent woman. She don't need you, so good day," Kira said and walked towards the exit to follow Izzy.

  "I don't even have a bowl cut!" Farkle yelled as she walked out the door.

Take On The World(DISCONTINED)Where stories live. Discover now