I watch in absolute admiration, the stout, smart, marching soldiers as they strut past, their sabres clashing against their belt. "Oh wow!" I think, "How Nancy will notice me if I can become one of them!" Truth is, I have had a crush on a girl in my village named Nancy ever since I can remember, and ever since I can remember, she hasn't ever even noticed me. However, in that shiny uniform, she will have to notice me! So I rush down to the latest sign up depot, adrenaline coarsing wildly through my muscles, and within 5 minutes, I was ordered to report to the parade line immediately.
As I get into the line, ready to show off my new uniform, I look in the crowd for Nancy and my body turns stone cold. Seconds that feel like hours pass as I see Nancy, emotionaly kissing another soldier goodbye. Then I watch in horror as he slips the ring onto her finger, and just like that, my world diminishes to the size of my boot buckles. Why had Nancy forgotten me? Months of training pass in a few, delusional seconds that I count on my tarnished, old watch, and before I know it, I am trapped, on a cramped train, heading straight for the Western Front.