Chapter 6- You WHAT!

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With that Draco grabbed Lyra and they both stood over the Golden Trio

"What are you doing here Malfoy and Malfoy spawn!" Ron exclaimed

"Insult me all you want but don't your daughter. My daughter takes after her mother and she is awesome." Draco said

Harry then said" Well move along now, we want to meet Hermione's husband"

Ginny stared between Draco, Hermione, Lyra and Scorpius then exclaimed "Hermione, I can not believe you" With that Hermione knew she had figured it out. Hermione then knew that she figured it out.

"Hermione, what is she talking about" Ron slurred at her

Harry and Lavender then gasped as they realized what Ginny had gasped.

"You married Malfoy!" Harry exclaimed to the surprise of Ron, also gaining the attention of every member of the reunion. 

Second later Hermione a "YOU WHAT!" come from the crowd and Hermione knew that it had come from Ron as he staggered over to the group surprised.

"Ronald, stop! Your drunk and everyone is watching even the kids." Lavender

"Lavender the kids need to know that Malfoys are bad news." He said as he turned toward her" And Hermione, you are such a traitor, you run away for ten years just marry Draco Malfoy the death eater and the person who tormented us all through Hogwarts. Then you just show up here keeping this a secret, oh, and let's not forget you gave birth to his children. You know what my guess is that you were also helping Voldemort. Probably became my friend just to get close to Harry and gave all of the information we had to Voldemort. But haha we won the war. "

Hermione wanted to cry, how could her best friend say that to her.

"Ronald Billius Weasley how dare you say that," Ginny said " She would never do that, she was there for us when we needed it and probably kept her family a secret from us because she knew we would react like that. Well, you at least."

Then looking over to Hermione and her family she said "Hermione I am glad that you found love even if it is with Malfoy. "

"Ginny, I want you to meet Lyra Ginevra Malfoy. I wanted to name her after you because you were the one who I wanted to talk to the most while I was away." Hermione said as she hugged Ginny.

Harry then joined in the hug and Hermione was glad that at least two of her friends were not mad at her for marrying Draco.

"Really Ginny, why would you side with that traitor. Harry, come on, you too?" Ron exclaimed in disgust"Come on Lavender we ware leaving. Grab the kids"

"No Ron we are not leaving. We are going to discuss this right here right now." Lavender said as she folded her arms. " Well come on then"

Ron rolled his eyes and sat down next to his wife as she sat down next to Hermione, Harry Ginny, and Draco. Also, everyone in the hall was still in shock at the turn of events but ended up going back to there business dancing the night away.

"Well..." Ron said rudely

Harry then decided to ask "Hermione, how did you and Draco get together? Last time we saw you, you went to go find your parents but then you ended up ever coming back until today."

" Well, I went to find my parents and after a couple of months, I was able to reverse the spell. Normally I would have been able to undo the spell faster but unfortunately, the spell and potions that I needed hadn't been invented yet so I had to make them myself." Hermione said smirking at the look on Ron's face when she said that

Choking on his drink Harry said" You invented spells and potions? What do you do for a living"

"I am the Minister of Magic in Australia."

"Whaaaaaat!?" Ginny exclaimed " The Minister for Magic in Australia is Hestia G. Martin(A.N. don't ask) and she has visited out Ministry several times.

"I know, Hestia G. Martin is my name in Australia. I even remember bumping into you like 3 years ago. Remember?"

"Yes, I do"


Hermione was walking down the hallway in the Ministry of Magic in London. No one knew she was Hermione Granger, everyone thought that she was Hestia G. Martin the Australian Minister for Magic but no one knew that she had a ton of glamor charms on her. 

As she was walking down the hall she bumped into someone with red hair. She looked up and saw that she had bumped into Ginny Weasley née Potter. She wanted to give her a hug but she had to keep her composure.

"Sorry... Ginny said without looking up

"It's my fault too" Hermione replied

Looking up Ginny then said" Oh my god, you're the Australian Minister for Magic. I am so sorry ma'am"

"It is all right Mrs. Potter" Hermione replied 

'' How do you know my name?" She asked in surprise

"I know you because I read about your involvement in taking down Voldemort. I also have met Ms. Granger and she spoke very highly of you."Hermione said to Ginny

"You've met Hermione, do you know where she is? My husband and brother have been looking for her."

"I do not know where she is now but I met her when she came to my Ministry a couple of years ago looking for something."

"Okay well if she comes back, can you tell her that her friends are looking for her? Thank you" Ginny said as she left.

Hermione smiled at the thought of her friends looking for her. At least they still cared after all these years!

End of Flashback

"That was you! Ginny would not stop talking about you for days. She kept saying that she felt like she knew you from somewhere and that you were lying about knowing where 'Hermione' was. She also made me and Ron go to Australia to check if you were there." Harry emitted

"Yeah, I remember seeing you at the Ministry in Australia. When I saw you I turn the other way and walked back to my office making sure you did not see me." Hermione said while remembering that day."

"Hermione, Harry also asked how you and Malfoy met, remember. " Ron said with unnecessary sass

" We met in a coffee shop 3 months after the war while I was thinking about how to get my parent's memories back. We chatted for a bit and started to become close. We then started to see each other more often because he and I used to work in the same department in the Australian Ministry. We started dating a year after the war and He proposed a year after that." Hermione said as the fond memory ran through her head."

"Well that isn't cliche at all" Ron muttered

"It might have been cliche but you don't have to be so rude about it Ron. Why should you judge who I date and who I marry? You are not my father or family member. You are merely just a friend. " Hermione claimed as she thought of all the ways of leaving this conversation.

Draco then came over to her and calmed her down because she was fuming. 

"Let's go 'Mione. We can leave if you want to." Draco said glaring at Ron

"No, we can stay. Lyra and Scorpius are having fun and I want to meet up with everyone else." Hermione replied

The night went on with Ron and his family leaving and Harry and Draco calling a truce. Hermione was glad that her kids were getting themselves acquainted with the Potters. 

Hermione loved her family and her friends, Well, not Ron!

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