Unexpected return.

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The sun blinding, the sky clear. It was a typical morning, calm and peaceful, but you knew it couldn't stay like that.....you needed to apologise to Chanyeol. You knew it wouldn't go well.....especially since he is infuriated simply by the sight of you in school.


"BAEKY!!!! <3 MY BABY BOY IVE MISSED YOU SWEETIE~!" Ummmmm who? Who the fuck are you? You couldn't say that out loud but your face clearly displayed those words. "BAEKY!!!!! DONT YOU REMEMBER ME?!?!? ITS ME! SEYOON!"

Holy shit. Kim Seyoon. Your first ever boyfriend. Fuck.......the last time you saw him was 4 years ago before he moved to Japan! What's he doing back?!?!? And why the fuck is he even hotter than before?!?!?

"Seyoon????? What are you doing back in Korea???? I thought you were staying in Japan!" You were shocked.....but that couldn't hide how pleasantly surprised you were. Your feelings for him never left, not a single day went by without thinking of him. "I've missed you so much baby" Arms grasped around your neck and pulled you in close for a hug. The warmth and familiarity comforted you, intoxicating you with all the remembrance of his gently yet powerful hugs that made you feel safe.

"Wait....we broke up please don't hug me....please don't call me baby" ....silence and uneasiness lingered in the air. Something wasn't right. "But baby....I mean Baek...." a huge sigh left the latter as he spoke. "Ok I understand. Meet me at the end of the day though ok? I want to catch up!" His cheesy grin.....his god darn cheesy grin. You couldn't deny it......."Ok....wait for me at the gate..." a gentle blush flurried across your cheeks as Seyoon removed his arms from the hug but whilst doing so, he brushed the back of his hand on your cheek.

Such a soft touch. One you'll always cherish.

It was now dinner break, you decided to go hunt for Jongdae since you didn't see him in any of your previous lessons nor in the morning.

Where could that idiot be?!?!? You thought to yourself whilst pacing around the campus. Where the actual fuck is he?!?!?

You fished out your phone and searched for his name to send a text to the bastard.

To: Bitch-dae

A small giggle escaped as you hit send. It didn't take long for you to get a reply.....but you wasn't expecting this reply....

From: Bitch-dae
I'm not on campus baby boy~ do you miss me that much? Want me to fix your heart? I'll kiss you better~ I won't be back on campus today but you can meet me after you've finished lessons <3

~ Love from your one and only <3

That joker.....what a fucking idiot.

To: Bitch-dae
First of all, I ain't your "baby boy" and you're 100% not my one and only....keep your lips away from me you pervert....Also I'm meeting someone at the gate at the end of the day so can I come round to yours later? I'm doing some.....catching up with an old friend...

After a few text exchanges, you had finally arranged to meet Jongdae after you had talked to Seyoon. The nerves were getting to you but you had to talk to him. There was so much you needed to catch up on....and also needed to ask.


The bell. What a nuisance. Ugh.

You headed to class with your head hung low and deep sighs escaping every few steps. Today wasn't a good day. Not only had you not apologised to Chanyeol yet, you met your ex and your best friend ditched you alone in this prison....how could the day get anymore stressful?

(Another time skip because I'm a shite writer, let's just appreciate the fact that I actually got a chapter out for once lmao) The end of the day. All lessons and lectures finished. Thank. Fucking. God. But now......now you had to meet him.....Seyoon. What will be said? How will the atmosphere be? Will it flow naturally? You couldn't stop worrying...But you had to do this.

Face your feelings head on Baek! You can do this! He's your ex of 4 years!

Those words kept repeating in your head over and over again, that was until you saw him....standing flawlessly against the wall next to the gate. Damn you puberty! You did Seyoon well! Fuck!

"BAEKY~!!!! You came!!!!" Pure excitement and happiness danced across his dashing face. You couldn't help but let a soft smile out on your cute lips. "Of course! I'm not horrible! I'd not leave someone after making plans.....plus I want to catch up with you!" Now was the time to either regain all memories and continue to love him or to cancel out everything you hope to hang onto. "I've missed you so much Baek.....so so much." ....what?

Why did he miss me???? He was the one that broke up with me in the first place! He was the one who moved to Japan and broke my heart! He was the one who never contacted me again! What the fuck!

"I....I missed you too....Seyoon" stumbling over your words, you didn't expect to say anything like that.....not even close. What you really wanted to say was something along the lines of: "Why did you leave me then?!?!? Do you know how much I suffered and cried over you?!?!? Do you even know what happened to me after you left me....why are you returning! Please! Please tell me!" But you was too weak to say that....your past feelings that still lingered took control. "I'm....glad" Seyoon stepped closer to you. Step by step your heart took an extra beat. His head dipped down to yours....his lips brushed your cheek, his breath tingling your skin. Your eyes closed with helplessness, they betrayed you. Your own body was growing more and more passionate for Seyoon. You wanted to reclaim the memories. Your body did.

Lips connecting. Emotional highs. This was the everlasting memory you had always been dreaming for to return.

After a few seconds, you both broke off. Utter terror dragged you out of your ecstasy.....there stood a few meter behind Seyoon was him.....


(Proper strange chapter? Anyway I'll be able to get a chapter out tomorrow 100%! Also might start another ff? Let me know what you guys think about that 💞)

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