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No matter how much she tried she could never explain why she always looked the same, why even after her generation past she was still there. She was born in 1876, it was now 3012. As much as she loved seeing technology grow, she also hated it because she had to see the earth slowly grow more and more sick. As more time past she became something to fear, parents would tell evil things about her to their children. They would tell them she was an evil demon sent from hell to end mankind-this was not true. 

It was them that caused the increase of bad weather that they now had to go underground when a storm hit. It was because of them that they no longer had fresh air to breath, it was because of the buildings they built on pride that now tears apart the earth. 

Anastasia was brought to the earth, and now she would watch it collapses and crumble. She bent down and touched the broken earth and whispered a sorry as the last of what was left of the earth disappeared....

Don't harm the earth, heal it~ 

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