Ashley walked through the dark forest, she had made a mistake coming here. She was lost and she no idea how to get out. It didn't make it any better that the leafs below her crushed loudly, she hated the dark.
"And all for a stupid dare" Ashley mumbled numbly. Her friends told her the forest was haunted, they also said that they would be here. So Ashley went in to find her "friends" but she wished she didn't. How long was she out here for? Would someone come looking for her?
It got darker and darker by the minute making Ashley more terrified. She nearly jumped out of her skin when she thought she heard a second pair of footsteps behind her, but when she turned around nothing was there. Ashley tried to calm her breathing by telling herself everything was going to be ok.
Everything is going to be ok...
Nothing else is out here....
It almost worked for her until a high-pitched scream echoed through the forest. Ashley lost it,
she started running not looking behind her.
She ran until she couldn't anymore. she wanted to get out, she didn't want to be in here but she had to find a way out so she kept walking. Up ahead she saw what looked to be an old building, maybe someone could help her. She walked up to the old house and knocked, the door opened slightly.
"Hello?" Ashley asked terrified. The room was dark and cold, and to the looks of it nobody has been here for awhile. Everything was a mess and was filled with dust. Objects laid around the room in a mess.
She needed to get out of here, it was obvious that no one was here. Ashley quickly left the creepy house unaware that something horrifying lerked inside. She walked through the dark forest and decided to keep going straight, she would have to run into something at some point-or that's what she thought. Hours past and she only saw the same thing, it seemed like no time past. As if time here was frozen, the sky had stayed dark.
As she walked she would hear noises not animal or human. Sometimes there were loud screeches, more than she liked to admit it was whispers in the dark. Ashley became the new legend of the forest.
"The girl who disappeared into the forest only to become another lost soul"
Some people said that she hunted the woods now, others said that they could sometimes hear her distress calls still trying to find her way out. Many things were said but no one knew what happened-not even her friends...

Short Stories
RandomThis is just a bunch of small stories I thought of, all to horror to romance. I hope you like it. I'm writing this because i cant always update my other books, but writing this should make us even! ^w^