Chapter 7: Black thoughts... into the well we fall.

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As we left Braden in a sort of depressed state he soon joins us with the others and move into the new house Nate has purchased and now owns.

Nate: We're calling it Nate's looking strong fun house!

Rick C: No! We're calling it Rick C's super duper burial household

Status: No and No! We're calling it The Shovel Jockey hideout!

Braden now annoyed at the constant bicker of the house name yells

Braden: Shut the fuck up and pick a stupid name already!

The three now stunned at that Braden had snapped at them all agree on a name.

Nate: It's gonna be Nate's Shovel Jokey Super Duper Looking Strong Burial Fun House

They both agree on this and Braden begins to reflect again with silence again

Braden: In Mind Is this how life will continue? Is our fate to fall to the monsters?

Braden spends awhile stuck in his head and without him noticing Noah C comes and sits down with Braden.

Noah C: What's up man

Braden: Startled WHEN DID YOU GET THERE?

Noah C: Just now.

Braden completely confused begins to question Noah.

Braden: Dude do you think we'll get through the monsters if they came to earth?

Noah C: No i don't think they-

Right before Noah finishes talking a HUGE explosion happens miles away but was so big and loud they could hear it clearly


Braden begins to freak out and panic

Braden: Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!!

Noah C: Chill dude, let's go look.

Braden walks with Noah and helps him up as he is still getting use to his new metal leg.

Status: It was huge dude.

Rick C: That's what you said last night.

Status: Laughs Fucking Cuckingham

Nate: I wonder what it was.

Moore: It was sure big. A lot of fire and hopefully nothing more.

Nate: Got to stay positive aye Moore.

Moore: They don't call me it for no reason

They Both Laugh

Rhett and Bruno comes running down from his bedroom



Braden begins to think and tones out what everyone was thinking

Braden: In Mind There is no way all of the shit was destroyed in the explosion from Crim

Bruno: What if it still has that infection on it?

Crim: Dude we should be find I BLEW THAT FUCKER TO HELL!

Nate: Amy told me that the infection of it was very hard to permanently dispose of.

Noah C: What is it with you two?

Nate: Scratches back of head Just a bit of friendly fun man

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