The Land of Nightmares

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             The night was wonderful and I was able to have a nice sleep. My dreams were what I thought it would be until...

             It became dark. The world I was into had vanished. There was a bright light getting bigger and bigger every second. After that, there was a great light that covered my room I closed my eyes and began to wonder what type of dream it was. Afterwards, the light vanished. I opened my eyes and saw the other version of my room: clean and has nothing insde it. When I thought I was already awake, I tried to open the door then failed. I tried to look through the keyhole.

              A pure, white eye was staring back at me.

              I was so shocked and scared. "What is happening?" I asked myself. I refrained from the door. The lock was shaking and it seemed like a shadow of woman was trying to unlock it. I was so terrified. I tried really hard to stay focused. "Block the door." I told myself. When I did it, the lock stopped shaking. Unfortunately, it didn't relieve me. Instead, it made me more worried about what would happen to me next.  A minute passed and, thank God, there was still no sign of danger.

               I was wrong. The walls began to tremble and shake. 

               WHAT IS HAPPENING?
               What should I do?

               Is this a dream or not?

              Ugh. Think. Think. Think.

              This isn't real. I can make it stop.

              This is just a dream!
              Think about what the old man told you!


               Dreams you may find wonderful. Protect yourself through imagination.


               I closed my eyes and tried to imagine something. Sadly, it didn't work. I tried to do it again calmly.

              I woke up.

             Thankfully, I was still alive.
             But, there was something underneath my bed. I felt it moving. I looked and saw a dark hand. I freaked out and ran to the door. I looked through the keyhole and turned back to my bed. There was a woman crawling out. I closed my eyes and imagined that this wasn't real. It worked. I sneaked to my parents' room, trying hard not to wake them up. I didn't care if I would have to sleep on the floor. When I was about to close my eyes, I noticed a shadow outside the door. I thought my parents' sudden movements made it vanish. But that wasn't it. The sun was beginning to shine over the horizon.


               Well, much to my surprise, it really wasn't real. Everything was fake. 

               "You are not getting out of here." The monster that just changed its form from my mom to some kind of lady without a body said. My dad turned to a shadow. What's more weird is that they both faded while mid-air. The walls were shaking again and cracks were starting to appear on the floor. "I completely don't know what will happen to me." I told myself that time. 

            I closed my eyes and thought that falling off a cliff was way better than this. Please, somebody wake me up.

            I woke up.

            Everything felt real again. I was really sure that I was already wide awake. Even though I still had some doubts, I was happy. I stood up. "Find an evidence that will prove that this is not a new nightmare." I instructed myself. I opened the curtains and saw the garden. I felt the warm air pushing against my face. 




Neil ThomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now