Part 11: Fulfill Their Promise To Maithili

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Avni stood tall, her resolve firm as she declared her commitment to her duty as an undercover officer, prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead. With a determined expression, she excused herself and headed to the washroom to freshen up and change her clothes, her mind buzzing with thoughts of the mission at hand.

Meanwhile, Neil watched her go with a mixture of amusement and affection, confident in his belief that Avni's love for him still burned brightly. As he reminisced about their past, a smile played on his lips, remembering the joyous moments they had shared together.


In a flashback to the Khanna Mansion, the atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation as preparations for the upcoming wedding were in full swing. Avneil's presence brought a burst of happiness to the room, their warmth and love infectious to all who surrounded them.

As they greeted their family members, Swetha showered Neil with affection, expressing her eagerness to welcome Avni into the family fold. The mention of honeymoon plans sent a flush of embarrassment to Avneil's cheeks, their faces turning as red as ripe tomatoes as they exchanged shy glances.

After a brief conversation with her parents, Avni and Neil made their way to Babe's room, where she was resting. Despite the seriousness of the mission ahead, there was a sense of comfort and familiarity in their interactions, a reminder of the deep bond that tied them together through thick and thin.

Babe room

In the quiet moments of the night before their wedding, Neil and Avni found themselves unable to sleep, their minds buzzing with anticipation and nerves. They sought solace in each other's company, finding refuge on the terrace of their interconnected houses.

Avni couldn't contain her nervousness, expressing her disbelief that she would soon be Neil's wife and a member of his household. Neil, ever the charmer, reassured her with his trademark humor, teasing her about her strict demeanor while also confessing his own jitters about living up to her expectations.

Their lighthearted banter took a playful turn as Neil insisted on finding his name in Avni's mehndi, turning it into a challenge with a mischievous reward in mind. Avni, always ready for a challenge, accepted with a twinkle in her eye, setting the stage for a game of hide-and-seek amidst the intricate designs of her mehndi.

As Neil diligently searched for his name, the tension between them crackled with playful energy, each moment filled with laughter and teasing. Avni couldn't help but be charmed by Neil's determination, even as she tried to evade his advances.

In the morning, as the sun rose to herald the beginning of a new chapter in their lives, Neil sat eagerly awaiting Avni's arrival. When she descended the stairs, radiant in her bridal attire, Neil was struck by her beauty, his heart overflowing with love and excitement for the journey they were about to embark on together.

Flashback end and sleep took after Neil.

In an unknown location, a person stirs from a deep slumber, blinking against the dim light filtering through the room. As consciousness slowly returns, they look around with confusion, calling out to someone nearby.

Person 1: "How long was I asleep? What's the plan now? Did anyone manage to call Maithili's soul?"

Person 2 rushes over to assist them, helping them to stand as they gather their bearings.

Person 2: "You've been out for four days. We haven't called Maithili yet, you were too weak. Kamini's funeral is coming up, though. Maybe we can use that as an opportunity for our next move."

Person 3 chimes in with a suggestion, outlining a plan involving Daksh, who has a penchant for racing.

Person 3: "The funeral will be heavily guarded, but Daksh is into racing. If we can find a race event, we might have a shot at our target."

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