about me | euquil

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• i won't be posting more details about my profile. i'll either give off some clues or leave it behind •

name | les.

age | my age is between 12 and 19

b-date | 04-02-??

gender | female

fave subject | science

hardest subject | math

easiest subject | english

likes | cookies n' cream, kpop, music, pens, notebooks, cats, plum

dislikes | KJs, judgemental people

what made you a stationery addict?
I was once scrolling down my instagram feed and saw @studyquill's posts. I was amazed by how pretty and neat her notes are, and it kind of motivated me to rewrite my old notes into pretty notes. And whenever I look at my notes, I feel hyped up and motivated to study my notes. My grades even improved a lot.

do you have a studygram?
i am still planning on how to start my studygram.
but i have an account in Studying Amino and StudyBlr, tho I just started weeks ago.

any tips?
write and impress. but your notes are not exactly for others to gawk at. it is for you to understand, so don't pressure yourself too much to make it look beautiful. Just stick to the ways you are comfortable with ^^

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