Prologue | Izuku Midoriya: Origin

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Izuku Midoriya, Age 14.

Attends a normal school with many other teenagers like him.

Nothing special about him.

Keeps to himself and is a nerd about heroes.

Lives with his mother Inko Midoriya. His father passed away due to an unfortunate incident.


Or at least, that is what he wants everyone to believe. In truth, Izuku Midoriya did possess a quirk. It was one he did not want to reveal to the world, it was something he considered taboo. Not something he could use to become a Hero.

This all sprung up one day when he was a meek little boy, age 5. His father had come home from a rather stressful night at work with a bottle in his hand, clearly dead drunk.

He was an overprotective father who cared deeply for his son's future. Perhaps he cared too much. Upon receiving news that his son didn't have a Quirk, he was outraged and needlessly worried himself to the point of resorting to alcohol to wash away his worries.

This in turn, caused him to lash out at his wife consistently, who he blamed for being incapable of giving their son his dreams of becoming a Hero.

Eventually, he reached a breaking point with all the combined pressure of work and worries about his family. Losing his rationality, he smashed the bottle in his hands, turning it into a deadly weapon before cornering his wife. Inko was only capable of moving small objects, she could not do anything against her own husband who practically doubled her size.

It looked quite bleak for Inko, soon, she would have a jagged bottle stabbed straight into her chest, effectively killing her. Then her husband would be put to trial and sent to jail for first-degree murder. Izuku would have no place to go with both of his parents gone, he would have to be taken in by child custody, with no one to support him.

But just as she was about to meet her end, something tugged at her husband's arm which was holding the broken bottle. A black appendage that looked reminiscent of a squid tentacle. It's origin, the shadow of young Izuku.

The young boy simply stood there, motionless, as tears flowed down from his eyes. He watched the scene unfold before him, completely unconscious of the tentacles slowly sprouting from his shadow to pull his father away from his mother.

No matter how hard the man struggled, he could not break free of the tentacles dragging him closer to his son. Even breathing fire on them had no effect, he could only imagine what was going to happen to him. But deep inside his drunken heart, he was relieved that his son had what he thought to be a Quirk, at the very least.

The moment he made direct contact with Izuku, his entire body was swallowed by the boy's shadow, clothing and all, until there was not a single trace of the man left. The tentacles sprouting from Izuku's shadow would disappear, slinking back into the darkness. But this wasn't the last thing it did. As Izuku was still stuck in a saddened state over what he witnessed, he had no control of his Quirk.

A small head slowly popped out from his shadow, reminiscent of a dragon's. It slowly crawled out until its body was fully formed from the darkness. Standing at probably an apple's height, it was a dragon-like creature who could breathe fire.

Inko could only stare at what she just witnessed. She didn't know what to do with Izuku now. Whether or not to report him to some authority to investigate what exactly happened, or to keep things under covers. But then, as she was contemplating over these decisions, her son walked up to her and hugged her tightly. A soft voice could be heard over his crying.

"Mommy is safe now..right..?"

Instantly, she knew full well she couldn't sell out her son. Gods know what would be done to him in order to discover the full extent of his quirk. She did her best to cover up everything that happened that night, and helped Izuku learn more about his Quirk, and perhaps learn what happened to her husband.

But truth be told, when Izuku was told about what happened that night as he learned more about his powers, he abhorred his Quirk. It seemed like something out of a horror movie.

However, what he didn't know at the time, was that this Quirk of his, was going to make him one of the, if not THE best Hero of his generation. And this, is his story leading up to that point.

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