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"its been an hour and half, where tf is that guy? don't tell me he forgot about our date hnggg 😤"


jikseu omg im sorry i swear i didn't forget abt it i just had an emergency at home
aeriyaaah and what emergency is that
jikseu i accidentally dropped my phone in the toilet....
aeriyaaah what even,,, then how are you replying to me
jikseu this is the plumber's phone
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"wait, it's not here." mihyun's eyes shot wide open, processing the fact that she lost the flash drive. she immediately patted her blazer, as well as her skirt pocket, panicking that she's not feeling anything  like the black flash drive.

"what's not there? is it a bracelet? a ring? a ticket to the cinema?" jisung asked, searching on the grasses on the massive field.

"no, no, no, it's their report in literature. i lost it, when seoyeon told me to take care of it. i need to find it." mihyun ran back to the place where she tripped earlier, crouching down to find the said object. jisung and the others were also doing the same, but it was a big field and they weren't even sure if she lost the flash drive there. the skies were getting darker, too. they won't be able to find it by then.

"guys, let's stop this. it's impossible to find such a small thing in a huge place like this when there's just four of us. plus, it's getting darker. it will be even harder to find it when it's dark." jaemin explained and mihyun couldn't understand how he can be so calm in a situation like this. their grades could be affected if they can't find it in time.

"let's not give up. we still have time, though." mihyun suggested but all of them seemed to disagree.

"mihyun, it's not your fault. it was an accident, don't feel sorry." the pink-haired said and mihyun couldn't help but feel more guilty at the way he's acting.


"jaemin's right, you probably lost it while walking or something. it wasn't like you did it intentionally," jisung added.

"i can make our report again tonight. i still have enough time to finish it." jaemin assured her with a warm smile and mihyun thought of helping him in another way.

"why don't you let me do it?" she spoke, jaemin looking at him confusingly.

"i can do you report instead, to make up for the inconvenience i caused you and renjun." she said, acknowledging the chinese boy beside him.

"are you sure? i mean, if you're guilty, then you don't have to do it."

"dont worry, i'm not just doing this out of guilt. i want to help you," she replied, looking at his eyes, but regretting it immediately as she slung her head back down in a split second, a faint pink color painted on her cheeks.

"yea, mihyun's really smart. she can finish it in less than an hour." jisung bragged which earned him a slap on the shoulder, courtesy of mihyun.

"alright, if you insist. but i'll still be checking up to see what i can help with. type your phone number." jaemin said and handed her his phone. after typing her number, they exchanged goodbyes and went their own ways.


"so, i guess we won't be able to do our project today. you can't stay out late since you have a report to do for lover boy." jisung wiggled his brows and elbowed her softly.

"shut up, cupid. now is not the time for stupid jokes." mihyun attempted to sound serious but ended up giggling at the thought. the two talked for more than five minutes and they already felt like they knew each other. mihyun was surprisingly comfortable with jisung, considering that they weren't even friends to begin with.

"where's your house, by the way? we're almost my house and i don't remember being neighbors with you." the sun had set just a few minutes ago and they were walking in silence when jisung decided to ask.

"hm? we just passed by it." she replied shortly and the latter turned to her in surprise. he made a 180 degree turn and grabbed her arm.

"why didn't you tell me? is it too far? we can go back," she chuckled and dragged him back on track.

"there's no need to go back. we're going to your house to do the project, remember?"

"but jaemin's report," mihyun raised her hand to silence him and he zipped his mouth seeing this.

"i can do it while we discuss about the project. i brought my laptop with me." she patted her backpack that was situated on her stomach as she slung it at her front.

"well, if that's the case, let's go!" jisung ran to a closed store and opened the white door.

"welcome to paws and feathers!"


couldn't think of a more creative name than this

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