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"good morning to everyone except for those people who know nothing but to poke their noses into other's business zzz 😪"

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seulbistar mimi this pic screams cuteness uwu!!!
jisung.one good morning to you too :)))
mimimoon jisung.one *seen*
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"how does this look?" mihyun asked jisung who was busy mixing some paint colors. they were currently working on their art project which was supposed to be passed next friday but knowing mihyun, she wanted to get things done as early as possible to avoid conflicts with her own schedule.

"maybe darken the lines a bit to emphasize the drawing more?"

"sounds good to me." she replied and followed his instructions. they were asked to paint something to describe their relationship in a way, applying the concepts they have tackled about in class. apparently, mihyun is not that creative but jisung was a big help and done most of the drawing while she made the planning.

soon after, the two finally finished the painting. they made a high-five, satisfied with their work. the white canvass was painted in bright colors, very much spring-like, and a bow and arrow empasized by bold lines sat at the center of the piece. it wasn't much, considering that the both of them weren't artists but it turned out really well for them and they worked hard on it.

"oh my, we look like a total mess." mihyun muttered, looking at jisung's hands which were covered with paint, some even got into his forehead and chin. the latter didn't look much different either as her arms and legs were colored in greens and blues while her nose was a shade of orange. she tried wiping it off but it only spread out because her hands also had paint.

"i can't go home like this," jisung chuckled at the sight and stood up to clean up their mess.

"you can take a shower in my room, i'll lend you some clothes." at times like this, mihyun really thanked herself for always bringing extra underwear with her. she keeps one in her personal kit in case of emergencies like this one.

"speaking of clothes, your sweater is still in the laundry. i ended up wearing it for the whole night because it was so comfortable, sorry." she said sheepishly and jisung shook his head and mouthed a 'it's fine'.

"you can keep it if you like, i don't wear it that much anyway." he replied, covering the paints and placing them in the box. he didn't miss the look on her face that brightened up as soon as she heard him.

"really?" she beamed with sparkling eyes and the boy couldn't help but chuckle as he nodded. he has never seen this side of mihyun. she was always quiet and serious and seeing her somewhat giddy and soft made her ten times more attractive, not that he was thought of her that way. okay, maybe he did but that's not the point.


mihyun came out of the door wearing a pink hoodie and a pair of drawstring shorts. the shower was very refreshing, much to her delight and his shampoo felt so nice that it made her locks bouncy and soft. jisun was lying on the couch, phone in her hands while jisung and probably his mother, was busy cooking dinner.

"dear, there you are. i'm almost done cooking, you should stay in for the dinner. what would your parents think if they know that you're not well-fed in this household, right?" his mother joked.

"don't be silly ma'am, the last time i came here, i was stuffed with food so you don't need to be bothered by those things." she replied politely.

"and besides, my parents aren't home tonight, too." mihyun glanced at jisung who was taking out the plates and she jogged to help him prepare the table.

"wouldn't that be dangerous for a young girl to be walking home late and sleeping alone at night? there are too many stalkers and creeps out in the streets by this time," the woman said worriedly, taking a small peek at her watch - 10:01 pm.

mihyun stayed quiet. to be honest, she was also scared of the idea of walking down the streets at 11:00 pm and being chased by a creep or even worse, a burglar busting into the house like any of those fiction books online. in fact, she wasn't exactly a person who can stand being alone at night, though she was good in putting her fears aside by distracting herself with some music and a good book.

"just stay for the night, then. it's much safer and convenient for you." jisung finally spoke as they sat across each other.

"i'll think about it." she shrugged and diverted her attention to her plate. they ate in silence, focused on their food that was deliciously made. there was something in their mothers' cooking that made her feel at home, in a way, and she appreciated that.

"hey, why are you packing your things? didn't i tell you to just stay over?" the boy said as soon as he saw mihyun placing her notebooks in her bag. she looked up at him and raised a brow.

"please, i got some movies in my laptop." he suggested in hopes of convincing the said girl. she then sported a cheeky grin and went to him.

"do you really want me to stay so bad?" she asked in a rather dragging manner and the latter smirked, playing along with her too.

"maybe," mihyun rolled her eyes playfully at the short yet sly reply and plopped back on the couch with a sigh.

"that better be good or else,"


400+ reads thank you so much!!! (stan yubin and stray kids)

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