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Trigger warning.

Ok. Nowadays people believe they can just add any gender they want into the dictionary. Unfortunately, according to your own bodily functions and physical evidence, there's only two. Whoops. I just pissed a ton of people off. Just hear me out and read carefully. If anyone comments on this story with enraged words and even tries to shoot down one of my arguments with something I've already addressed, your comment will be deleted. I won't tolerate it. 😬

I'll also be arguing about how I believe gay marriage could be potentially wrong. Just read it before you spew out comments of hatred for me. You can do that later.

1. Sexuality is not a choice
You're born with what you're born with. What you're born with defines what you are. What you HAVE does not define what you need to like/do. How is it that hard to understand? I don't get why people think it's a crime that they can't choose their own gender. Why is that so bad? You can't choose your gender, but it doesn't have to define your interests or personality. We're all different. It shouldn't matter. Suck it up.

2. Gender is the same as sex
The definition of gender actually means the physical characteristics associated with a certain sex. Therefore, they're just synonyms. The definition was actually "altered" around the 1980s. Why? Because that's what people wanted. They wanted to change the definition so it could fulfill their views on their own FEELINGS.

3. Feelings do not change anything
You can try as hard as you want, but you'll always be the gender you were given since before you were born. Too bad. 😬 No matter what you feel, you can't change that. You can get surgeries, new clothes, you can change your voice, etc. but that won't change what your physical body is/was. There's always something else that's TRYING to change it, therefore proving that it's not natural to do so. Going from male to female is simply not natural. You can say it is, but it's not. Can you seriously say that someone saying "I'm a woman trapped in a man's body" is natural? Does that sound NORMAL to you? Because it's not. Now, I'm not saying that because it doesn't seem normal we shouldn't look further into it. I'm saying that there are so many people of the LGBTQ++ community who believe that gender isn't that big of a deal, yet they change their body and pay hundreds of dollars to do so. They say it's normal but yet they don't TALK normally, dress normally, act normally, and they have parades and a month and a crowd of people congratulating them in their "braveness". That's not normal. Why do we worship these people when they claim to be "just like us"?  Honestly, I do respect those who have been bullied but have stuck with their beliefs. That is brave, in my opinion. But, it can be dangerous when you're basing things like that off of merely feelings. They say that gender shouldn't define who they are, yet they go to all the trouble to CHANGE who they are.

4. Don't encourage the children
I honestly get disgusted when parents and drag queens encourage children to pick a gender they want to be. This will only confuse them. Let your children grow up to at least 12 or something like that, unless they are old enough to understand and really decipher what you're saying. It can be dangerous if children hear this, as they will think it's cool and want to change their sexuality simply because of their preferences. That's wrong, in my opinion. Again, I'm not hating on anyone who does. That's their choice, not mine. Furthermore, I feel teenagers shouldn't even make this decision, as hormones are constantly changing throughout those years and can seriously affect their preferences. Teenage-hood is simply not the best time to be making such changes to your body, and neither is childhood.

5. Homophobes
Yes, it's wrong to be homophobic. Why? Because you're hating on someone's existence and deliberately avoiding someone just because of their "gender expression." Cussing then out would be considered hate speech. So yeah, it's wrong.
"Aren't you being a homophobe?"
Glad you asked. No. I'm not. Speaking my opinion on a very highly debated topic in my country is not considered being a homophobe. Some people get freedom of speech and opinion mixed up with hate speech simply because they don't agree with it. I'm not using any form of hate speech since I'm not HATING on anyone. This is a morality issue, and I'm giving my opinion. It just pisses me off when people say that I'm telling people how to live or that I'm homophobic simply because they have nothing else to argue or they just don't agree with me. I'm not telling people how to live their life - that's THEIR decision. I'm just expressing my opinion on the majority of the community. I'm not hating on anyone. Like I said, I have a lot of respect for some of them. Some of my friends are even lesbians or bisexual, and I definitely don't hate them.

6. Stop worshiping them
If they're not any different from us, stop acting like they are gods. Some lgbtq+ members (some, not all. Just a lot of them I see on social media or the news) feel they have the right to anything simply because of their sexual preference. An example of this is a while ago when a gay couple wanted this Christian cake company to make them a cake. But the company refused because they did not believe gay marriage was morale, therefore they would not serve them. The gay couple got mad and sued them. They claimed that the company was taking away their rights, when really, it was the other way around. Here's my opinion: that gay couple were jerks. The company was given the right to deny service, and when someone comes along and claims that they need to make a cake for their wedding and saying that they're taking away their rights, they're simultaneously taking away the company's rights. That's an example what I hate: their claim to entitlement. Again, not all of them are like this - I have friends who are awesome and would never do this. I'm just saying that a lot of them that I've seen act this way.

7. It's not just Christians
I will admit that there are some Christian homophobes that bring a bad name to the whole Christian community. I grew up in a Christian environment but my parents were never homophobic. They live everyone, but they don't support everything. They have the right not to. Just because you don't support something, doesn't mean you hate the person supporting it. It's you vs. the issue, not you vs. the person. But a lot of people stereotype Christians into hating people who want people to burn for their sins. This is NOT true. There are plenty of non-religious people who believe this. In the Old Testament, god said that if two men lie with each other then they should be stoned. Yes, that is barbaric. But stoning and being hung was not unusual then and almost any sin was punished for in that form - it wasn't just gay people. Also, that was the Old Testament law, therefore, it no longer applies. That law was created for certain people at a certain time, meaning it wasn't for us. So...there. EXCUSED. But, I'll admit I'm still a bit confused over that one. I just know this from research and talking to people.

Jus remember: hate on Christians and those who do not support the lgbtq+ community is just as bad as the hate on the lgbtq+ community. Think before you speak.

8. Gay marriage
I think it's wrong because studies have shown that children do not thrive in a home with two moms or two dads as well as they would with one mom and one dad. We need balance (okay, Thanos). Two moms aren't the same as one mom and one dad. Fortunately, not all cases are like this - only the majority. You can do some more research if you want. I could be wrong but this is what I found.

All in all, I believe gay marriage could be potentially harmful, gender is a word used for definition of your body parts and not just an expression of your feelings, and that hate speech is not something you call out when someone has an opinion you don't agree with.

I want to say again that I have amazing friends who are lesbian and I would never do anything to intentionally hurt them - emotional or physical. They know that I do not support the issue, I only support them as a person and still love them. I respect many of them because they're brave enough to tell me what they feel without being afraid of bullying. 

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