bts trying to get their little into little space

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anonymous asked; could you possibly do a bts/monstax reaction for when they're trying to get their little space?

a/n; I'm so sorry this took so long but I hope you like it hunny. also, I kinda wrote this as more of what they would do so I hope its okay if not feel free to request it again :) 

~ cheekychimchim

namjoon ; Joon wouldn't flat out try and get you in little space rather calling you cute nicknames that he usually called you when you were little and subtly babying you, for example, taking your fork from your hands and feeding you himself whilst saying something along the lines of how you're not big enough to feed yourself 

" let me help you baby girl you're too little to feed yourself .''

Jin; Jin would try and get you into little space by making your favorite snacks when in little space just like Joon he wouldn't tell you he wanted you to be little he would sit down with you and play  hand games while making jokes in hope of getting your smaller side to come out 

" does my little girl want to play peekaboo with daddy ?'' 

j-hope; j-hope would probably try and subtly get you into little space by getting your toys and trying to get you to play with him but if his first couple of tries didn't seem to work he would pretend to be sad and start whining about how he misses his little girl and wants to play with her 

" baby teddy and I miss playing with you, won't you pretty please play some games with us for daddy ??'' 

yoongi ; unlike the rest of his members yoongi would probably be the most forward not even trying to hide that he was trying to get you into little space he would lay out your play mats and your toys and after putting you into your clothes sitting you down maybe putting on a cartoon and start playing with you 

" what do you want to play princess ? we could play dolls or dress up " 

jimin ; he would be a lil shy about putting you in little space seeing as you usually slip into it by yourself so he would probably just pour your drink in a sippy cup and turning on your favorite cartoon while making you sit on his lap and cuddle together while you were cuddling he would start whispering compliments to you and talking to you in a baby voice 

" my angel is so cute all cuddled up on my lap ." 

taehyung ; he would be the best at getting you to slip into little space because he is super goofy and overall a lovebug I think he would just sit you in his lap playfully bounce you up and down to get a few giggles out of you continuing to tickle you until you were begging him to stop

'' You got to give daddy a kiss or he won't stop tickling you baby .'' 

jungkook ; jungkook would probably have a little trouble getting you into little space simply because he wasn't sure what to do to get you there without it being awkward so I feel like he would just try to  get you into your headspace by carrying you everywhere and not letting you do anything by yourself and just overall babying you 

" little one sit down let daddy get that for you okay "

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