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Many inches of snow... Enough snow to fill up multiple earths, all across the roads and crosswalks. But X'zailah wasn't a wanderer among the harsh conditions in the name of 'Mother Nature', she was more of a Camper. Sitting on her bed, listening to her best friend, Alezia, on the phone ranting about how it would feel to be ambidextrous. Luckily for X'zailah, that trait, she proudly possessed.

She teased her friend about her lacking such a favorable trait whilst Alezia pouted. "Shut it, X'zailah. I'll come to your house and skin you alive if you don't." Her voice, around the edges of serious but playful as she smiled through her phone. X'zailah could feel that smile so instead, she said,"I hope you don't mind if I have your sister. She's nice." Her eyebrows invisible to Alezia but still she wagged them. Alezia gasped, feigning betrayal and hurt. "I swear, one finger, and you're going to need a wheelchair."

Something about the wheelchair didn't sit right with X'zailah. She silenced her voice for little over a moment or two before speaking. "I kinda don't like wheelchairs. Honestly, What a weird invention to invent." She said, causing Alezia to laugh loudly through the phone, leaving X'zailah wincing due to her friend's intense vocal cords. "What's wrong with them? Afraid of me putting you in one? As long as my sis stays 'Off Limits', you're fine." Her laughing simmered but still audible enough to distance the phone a few inches.

"That's not it. It's... I honestly don't know myself. It's creepy, I guess?" She managed. Describing a fear towards wheelchairs was surely a task no other could achieve. Very strenuous, she thought. 

"Well, that's a thought for another millennia. Right now, we should get dressed for a outing." Her friend proposed. Remembering the transaction that underwent earlier, she didn't hesitate to agree. "Sounds nice. Where to?" Her smile piercing the smallest of atoms throughout the air she breathed. Something about this was sending an antsy feeling through her body. The jitters, if you will.

"There are mountains of snow outside if you didn't notice. I'll take this as a ice skating opportunity. Cool beans?" Alezia offered. Of course!, she thought but she felt a little too overzealous about it, she felt she should take a 'zeal' approach. "Sure. it'll be fun."

"Alright, Catch me outside your doorstep in about... Right now!" What!? X'zailah was still trudging around in pj's. I'm gonna kill her, she thought. Her curtains, to the far left as she took a quick peek to surely be brought back immensely as there was a little bug scattering around her yard, yelling her name. "X'zailah! If you want your windows, you'd better get your butt out here now!" She threatened. Snap! X'zailah soon flashed her way through drawers, closets, and bathrooms to quickly avoid window fragments from being the next discussion with her parents.

Soon after, her door snatched ajar as she ran to Alezia's side, giving slight huffs and puffs due to the tornado she'd been through just before meeting her. "Tired from putting on clothes? Are you pigging you life away?" Alezia teased poking her bestie's stomach multiple times before she swatted her hand away. "Quit it. If anything, you're fat. Remember three weeks ago was thanksgiving. I don't remember getting any turkey because someone ate it all" She looked around, feigning obliviousness to whomever could've ate all that precious meat.

"Well, I have very high metabolism, If you just so happened to forget. I couldn't help it. Food is life. without it, you'd die." She reasoned still receiving a comatose inducing glare from X'zailah.

"Let's just skate already."


As was announced earlier, They went skating...with some minor 'NOOB'  issues. After their fist skating round, which X'zailah won, Alezia was not equipped none whatsoever when it came to ice skating. X'zailah soon wondered why she'd insisted they'd come. Alezia couldn't keep up even if she'd had been given a generous incentive. Alezia had fallen countless times. Her pouting was somewhat cute when she would stomp whilst having skates on. If she stomped the wrong way, it could've cost her an ankle.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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