Chapter One of One

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“Shit, shit, shit!” Matt yelled at the screen of his enormous television as he got shot yet another time while playing Call of Duty in his basement. The score was 27-28 for the other player and Matt was not happy with the result. Two more deaths and he’d lose the match. His heartbeat was at a fast rhythm, his hands sticky from the sweat covering his palms. He dropped the controller onto his lap for a moment so he could rub his hands on his shorts before a new round started.

“Now I’m eating you up, you fucker!” he hissed, his fingers pressing harshly against the buttons on the controller. Leaning forward on the couch, he felt his back hurting from playing all day long without a minute of rest. However, he didn’t let that pain distract him from his goal, which was nothing but to win the so tight match.

While his eyebrows furrowed at the center of his forehead, his hands worked their magic, controlling the character perfectly as if it was a real situation in real life

“Oh, I see you, you little prick,” Matt whispered to himself, a smug grin crossing his lips as he attacked the other player from behind his back, sticking a knife straight into his head. A sinister voice echoed from the TV saying, “Headshot!”

Matt laughed proudly, resting the controller on his leg to take a sip of the cold beer that was teasing him from the center table.


Two more kills and the game was his. What Matt wasn’t expecting was to receive a message from the unknown player, BallsOff.

BallsOff : Feeling confident, are we? 

Matt’s eyebrow rose at those words, but before he could reply, another message popped up.

BallsOff : Don’t. You’ll lose. 

Matt scoffed and shook his head, ready to ignore those smartass comments. Yet, when he read the next message, his blood surely started boiling in his veins.

BallsOff : Again. Ahaha. 

“Oh, I’ll shoot your brains off!” he shouted, fuming. He was so pissed off that he almost wished he could wrap his own hands around that idiot’s neck.

“Wow!” Zacky chuckled as he descended the steps to Matt’s basement with loads of junk food in his hands. “What’s gotten into you, Shadz?”

Matt didn’t look up to Zacky. “Just a bad game,” he mumbled instead, already starting the next round.

“Another one?” Zacky joked, just to have Matt’s finger flipping him off. He chuckled at his friend’s temper and plopped down onto the old couch at the corner, opening a bag of chips.

“Don’t you have anything better to do?” Matt asked, probably annoyed by Zacky’s presence.

Zacky let out a small laugh once again. “Don’t you have a match to win?” And before he knew it, Zacky was thrown an empty bottle of beer. “The fuck, dude?!” he yelled, pushing the can away from him and standing up from his seat to glare at Matt.

“You should’ve known better not to fuck with me while I’m playing.”

“No,” Zacky countered, “I shouldn’t fuck with you when you’re losing a fucking game!” And with that, he was out of the basement, leaving Matt to his shitty mood.

Matt frowned and for a moment stayed still, his mind working over the words of his best friend, making him lose track of the game, what costed him another life. His character fell dead on the ground and Matt grunted. What was wrong with him?


He couldn’t bare the chance to let that bastard win again. It would be the third game in a row that he won and Matt just didn’t understand. He wasn’t used to losing like this. One game was one thing, but three? With the same fucking guy? And the worst was that this had been happening the whole week.

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