wow a sixth part

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Spector's POV

I was just passing by, going to drop some stuff off at Rumor's, but then i saw Cagney and the brothers! i ran up to them, trying not to drop my box of stuff, "Hey Cagney!" when he saw me, he went completely red, and i got worried for a second- but then he responded; "Hey! Spec!" then he (somehow) went even redder. i laughed, "it's ok! it's ok, that's what a lot of people call me actually!" he looked relived, "oh, yeah i... knew that.." he said trailing off. "well, hang in there, see you tomorrow!" i said, beginning to walk away, "i got some stuff to do!" he nodded and said "see you later!" and i left. Cute guy.

Cagney's POV

God he's hot. I MEAN- fuck. i might as well accept it i guess. i looked over at the boys who were staring at me weirdly, and i let out a fake cough, trying to break the awkward silence, but they kept staring at me. then Cuphead got the most surprised look ever on his face and half-yelled "OH SHIT!" Mugman immediately hit him on the back of the head and rolled his eyes. i shrugged, trying to look confused, but i knew exactly what they were thinking. Then Cuphead said "You- ohmygoddoyoureallyhaveaFUCKINGCRUSHONHIM?" Mug glared at him and whispered "language!" but Cuphead ignored him. "uh-" i began, but Cuphead, or the short brat as i like to call him, said "don't worry, i'm perfect with relationships, ask Mugs over here, i can do your hair for your first date and-" cut off by Mugman, "Ok, first of all, Cuphead is the worst with relation ships, he lost me 2 potential girlfriends AND a boyfriend, but to make up for that, he is pretty good with hair." mugman put away his book. "Yeah! i'm fucking awesome with hair! and you didn't lose those dates cause of me, you lost them because you're too muck of a dork!" Cuphead laughed. "No! Don't you remember when..." and i had to listen to that the whole way home. i guess it was kinda nice to have some people to talk to it about later though.

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