Chapter 1

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The Autumn rain pattered softly against the sidewalks of Lenox Avenue. Street lights illuminated silhouettes of bodies hurrying to and fro finding shelter, drink, and good times in the various clubs as the dreary Autumn weather dredged on. The soft rumbling purr of tires against pavement was muffled by the loud jazz and sounds of occasional drunken laughter on the Harlem streets. No one noticed when the tall gentleman dresses in black stepped out from the backseat of his car outside the Cairo Club. He signaled his driver to wait, and walked inside the building. It was dim inside; extravagantly dressed white folk were drinking, dancing, and laughing. A portly black man sat at the piano enthusiastically leading the brass band, occasionally grabbing his handkerchief to wipe the glistening beads of sweat from his broad brow.

It was an eclectic scene of New York's entertainment at it's finest.

The man took in his surroundings, standing against the wall, lurking in the eerie shadows of the dark club. His fedora tipped jauntily to the side partially shadowed the right side of his face, enhancing the sharp lines of his angular jawline. His lips lazily caressed a freshly lit cigarette. Amidst the throng of couples, he was perhaps the only one without a broad on his arm; he was dressed sharply, displaying apparent wealth. He managed to capture the attention of those who laid eyes on him. Women clinging to the arms of their lovers stole glances his way, secretly lusting after the handsome and peculiar man. He ignored them, for his attention was focused on only one woman. Specifically, the chorus girl with vixen charm, who stared back at him with suggestive curiosity and slight judgement in her mystique brown eyes. She was a stunning sight to behold. She eventually looked away as it came time for her and the other girls to sing and dance their part to the chorus. He could sense her intimidation as she flicked her eyes back and forth between him and the audience. He inwardly smiled to himself, fully aware of his irresistible charisma. The moment he laid eyes on her, he was curious to find out who she was. He made his way over to the bar and leaned against the counter.

The band finished up the last measures of the song and a thunderous applause and roaring cheers filled the smoke hazed room. The chorus girls each took a bow and filed off the stage in a line as the band continued to play a soft swing tune. He noticed her alluring figure make way over to the bar with her dark brown eyes trained to his absinthe blue pools. She had a crowning glory of  black curly tresses that stopped just below her chin. Her richly colored dark skin looked simply divine under the dim glow of the club. He casually sauntered beside her using his effortless charm and appeal to initiate a light conversation.

"You're quite the jive bomber up on that stage, aren't you? he asked as he gave her a crooked smirk and a wink as he drew his cigarette to his mouth and took a long drag. She smiled and took in his appearance. She was attracted him. He could tell by the way her eyelids lowered seductively, and how her body naturally drew closer to his side.

"I suppose so...being a chorus girl isn't much to gab about" she laughed, running her delicate fingers through a maze of soft, spiraling curls. "Say, I've never seen you around here, which is a first for me because I keep track of all the handsome boys in this joint" she took the cigarette from his lips and brought it to her own, suggestively placing a slender hand on the broad collar of his suit jacket. He watched each movement with complete mesmerization. She was prowess on the hunt.

He toyed with the gold signet ring on his left pinkie finger, her alluring presence was already starting to control his conscience. "Well, I guess you could say that't spend much time around Harlem. My good friend, Vince Anderson, who happens to be an entertainment connoisseur, told me that I should pay a visit to the famed Cairo Club of Harlem. 'The music is good, the drinks are strong, and the women are beautiful. What more can a man ask for',were his exact words."

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