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-Dallas? That's your real name? How old are you anyway?

-Yeah, that's my legal name. I'm 33 years old. I'm a Scorpion. I really love Wiskey on Saturday's night, but Coffee every morning. I like chocolate on everything, except on my week night's vodka. oh! and I'm writer. 

-And, don't forget, a huge pain in the ass... but that's just my opinion. 

-Awww! watch the boy making his first joke! that's soooo sweet. I'm Melting right now, right here. 

-fine, jokes aside. are you going to talk? 

- yup, bring a bottle of vodka. we both are going to need it. you asked for it, you got it. 

-well, i'm not refusing this. I'm telling Tori. want her in or should send her home?

- send her home. kids need to sleep. 

-good- what the hell I'm going to tell this guy? 


I decided to tell him the newspaper version. truth, but no the story, if that had any sense to anyone. Enough to make him see I'm not spying. 

-here. take your time to talk. I told Tori I'll take you home later. 

-Thanks, but i prefer just walk home. i will need it. and this is going to be quick, so don't put yourself too comfy.

- I'm not going to let you do that, so take the vodka, talk, and in the meanwhile, you can put your head around I'm going to ride you home.

-I don't ride, so you can have a shot to suck the fact, you're not coming with me. 

-Well, We'll see.

-Sure, stalker. Ok, shut up, push another shot down your throat and hold your balls thight. Did your national MC regulator told you about an explotion 2 years ago in Kootenai, Idaho? the one that kill 55 members of 2 Collaboration clubs? 

-Maybe, he mentioned something about it. He talked to our PR about it. but didn't mentioned how many members or which clubs where affected? 

-That's because it was sealed FBI case. but, according to the news, 45 loses on the scene. 10 more in critical state. 25 were my club's members. 20 of our Collaboration Club and a Guy who were very close to us. They were marching in the first road of our President's funeral when the attack took place. A C4 explotion. Enough C4 to have FBI in our asses for 5 months. to give you an extra my husband was there, well, to give you fair intel, half of my family was there. the other half was killed later. Official members, and some of the prospects. some nomadics too. only 6 members are still alive, and thats just because they're in prision. I'm a widow, thats why i have memorial tattoos. Actually, i didn't delete my tattoos, because, as a matter of fact, i was voted as a President to reorganice the MC. I was the most ranked Ol'Lady. that being said.... I'm out and shut. good luck Rider. 



-Stop running. here, have another shot. what happened to start such a big war?

-That's a story for another day, sweetheart. I'm out now. maybe. I don't talk about my club's  shit. what i gave you was public info, what you're asking is my MC's business. that's not on the table to anyone. 

-I get that, but eventually, you will have to talk to someone Dallas.

-no, I don't. I drink vodka. and I write. And I sing, and when everything it's too much, i hug my kids enough to have them telling me how sticky I am. 

-Fine, I'm not pushing the subject. Let's go, I'm taking you home. 

-Ok, just because you're not pushing. But we are waling. 

We walked in complete silence. I think he finally got that i was not talking anymore, about anything. 

when we finally got there, things started to feel ...awkward.

-Dallas, you're welcomer to our bar anytime you need. you will be protected from questions there and have a safe ride home. 

-Thanks, but i don't need charity, or pitty. I just talked so you don't get a stroke before you're able to win your full cut. 

-Vodka is hardly charity, i was not going to have a stroke and this is, in fact, my full cut. wait, come here.


-I need a closer look to that. - He read loudly- "God gives us uglyness so we don't take beautiful thing in life for granted" It's a Colleen Hoveer quote right?

-You know who she is? a Bad ass full patched seargent knows her?

-My sister has the same quote tattooed after some hard shit going on.

-I like your sister.

-But I don't?

-Nah, you're an asshole, sweetie. and still think you bought your cut from Ebay. Bye! 

Into what kind of shit put myself this time? damn it!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2018 ⏰

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