Nightmares surgery

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Nightmare was very scared when he walked into the hospital. They got Nightmare registered and then he was in the waiting room for six minutes. The got Nightmares weight, height, check him for a fever, asked him about his allergies. Nightmare was sitting in the hospital bed waiting to go to the operating room. He was still very scared and worried about if he doesn't make it out alive. Error comed him down and told him everything will be fine. Nightmare gave Error a smile and hugged him tightly because of how scared he was. Ten minutes later the operating room staff came to take Nightmare to the operating room. Error watched a scared Nightmare Sans go down the hallway through double doors and then he was gone. Dr.Dream came into the operating room to see Nightmare wasn't asleep yet because he was fighting the staff. He walked to Nightmare putting a hand onto his shoulder squeezing it gently. "Dr.Dream?" He wimpered quietly. "Don't worry I'm here now relax. Do you want me to hold your hand while the do the anesthesia? I will if it will help you ralax." "Yes please I just need a little comfort." "Okay lay down and I will start holding your hand." "Okay." Dr.Dream held Nightmares hand as the anesthesiologist put the mask on Nightmare face. Nightmare flinched at this Dr.Dream squeezed Nightmares hand so he could relax and Nightmare did relax. Nightmare took slow deep breaths like the said and a few minutes later they turned on the sleeping gas. Nightmare took a few deep breaths and he started to feel his head become fuzzy as he started drifting out even though he was half a sleep already. Nightmare feel into a deep sleep a few seconds later. They did the operation and sadly Nightmare had no right part of his arm, forearm,or hand he still had his elbow but everything under that was gone. He no right part of his leg, ankle, or foot. He still had his knee but everything under that was gone. Dr.Dream was unset to do this because the Cancer spread so he had to remove it all. Nightmare started to wake up and he noticed half of his arm and leg where missing. Nightmare started to cry because he was handicapped now. "Don't worry Mr.Nightmare once we do chemotherapy and radiation treatments. We can replace those those areas when we know the Cancer is fully gone. Is that okay?" "Yes." After that Nightmare put on his Bluetooth headphones and turned up the music falling asleep a short time after. Error stayed with Nightmare for those twenty days he was in recovery. Nightmare slept, ate, went to the bathroom, and listened to music. He hasn't talked at all since that first word he said after surgery. Error was worried and so was Dream his brother that did the surgery.  Nightmare was in a depression stages and he was mad at himself for letting his health get so bad. He was going home soon anyway because he was bored and they had to monitor his depression and anxiety after the surgery. So they would make sure he would be okay when he got home.

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