Chapter 1

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Every morning I do my usual routine - get up, do my bathroom routine, get dressed, do my makeup, have breakfast and go to school.
Well today was kinda different...
I was walking to the bus stop and saw a boy there ~ a boy i have never seen before. He looked kinda cute I had to admit but he probably didn't even go to my school. So I stand where I usually stand and wait for my friends.
"Heyyyy daisy"
"Hey you good"
We hug
"Yes yes I'm good just cba for school"
"Yep same"
My bus comes...
"Ugh my bus is here byeee"
"Bye daisy"
I walk over to the bus and look up to see the cute boy in front if me. Woah okay he does um go to my school. Omg he must be a new boy...

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