Chapter Thirteen

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Elizabeth's PoV
- Fighting

  I sat and chatted with everyone surrounding my desk. It felt nice to finally have someone to talk to, to be surrounded by friends who actually care about my well being. Eventually the crowd dies down as the teacher walked in and I noticed two people were missing...

Meliodas and Kaito.

"Mr. Hendrickson!" My hand shot into the air. He nodded in my direction and I burst out with a excuse saying I really needed to use the restroom. After a few minutes of bugging him he cracked and I sprinted from the room. I made it to the roof and look down at the school. Like I though Meliodas and Kaito were talking, more like yelling, at each other in the courtyard.

* "You stay away from her!" Meliodas yelled punching Kaito in the face. I gasped and leaned over the rail. Just because he was a pampered ass doesn't mean he deserves to get hit.

"Oh really?" Kaito wiped his mouth on his sleeve and the white fabric came back red. "I will get Elizabeth to be mine again." Kaito smirked rolling up his sleeves as Meliodas lunged towards him.

  "Both of you cut it out!" I yelled grabbing both of their attentions. Meliodas's eyes widened when he saw me standing on the edge of the roof while Kaito just smirked and gave me a little wave.

"Elizabeth get down from there!" Meliodas yelled taking a step towards me. I rolled my eyes and took a small step from the edge.

"I'll leave when one of you do, I don't want you fighting!" I yelled and Kaito laughed.

"Aw, the little princess is worried about her knight." He smirked up at me but I kept my head high. Kimi was right, I couldn't let him win.

  "Meliodas!" I yelled down and the blonde hair boy looked up at me, "If you don't come up here I'll go down there!" I took a step towards the edge and climbed over the railing. I heard yelling and I looked down to see only Kaito standing there.

  "See you soon princess!" He tipped his head and disappeared into the building. I sighed and two arms suddenly yanked me back over the railing. Meliodas was panting as he held me close to his chest.

  "I'm okay." I patted his arm and he squeezed me tighter.

  "Don't you ever pull a stunt like that again." He whispered and I let out a small laugh, it was ironic how they all assumed I would just go off and kill myself. I mean I thought they would trust me like I trusted them.

"I won't." I kissed his cheek quickly and stood up. Meliodas stayed on the ground a few seconds longer before he joined me in dusting himself off. "Better head to class"

Meliodas nodded and grabbed my hand we slowly walked back to the classroom and walked in while the teacher was away. I sighed in relief and took my seat in the back. I felt eyes on me but I chose to ignore them as I stared out the window. The teacher soon walked in and resumed the lesson and I tiredly took notes.

After class finally ended I quickly gathered my things and ran over to where Meliodas was waiting for me. He grabbed my hand and we went to meet up with everyone.

"Where are we going again?" I ask Meliodas who looks over at me and smirks.

"Just a place." He replies, planting a quick kiss on my cheek. I huff and cross my arms which causes him to laugh. When we reached the front gates I saw Kimi and Hikaru standing with Diane, King, Ban, and Ban's girlfriend Eliane. She was Kings little sister and she's been homeschooled mostly but she finally got to go to public school this year. That's probably where she met Ban, no one really knows.

  "Elizabeth!" Kimi smiles and waved in my direction and her and Diane rushes over yanking me away from Meliodas.

  "Come one we are having a girls day!" Diane smiled and all the girls in our group walked over.

  "Meliodas..." I looked over and he shrugged before being dragged into Bans car, guess I'm stuck. Diane and Kimi dragged me over to where Diane's car was waiting and quickly shoved me into the back seat. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see." Kimi and Diane high fived and me and Eliane looked at each other nervously.

"Oh no...."

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