Chapter 9. Wedding Day

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Wedding day. All of the little girls in the city dreamed about their wedding day. Except me. I always accepted I probably wouldn't get married, so I never dreamed about an event that wouldn't occur. But it is occuring.

I watched myself in a full length mirror. Apparently, it's an old tradition for witches to wear black gowns on their big day, so I was wearing a long black wedding dress. The long sleeves were lace with silver mixed into the black. Dress was solid black and went down to my feet. It was comfortably form fitting until it came to my waist, then it flowed down to my feet. A silver belt sat where the dress goes from formfitting to loose. My black hair was held out of my face with silver leave like clips that matched the belt.

"Is this happening?" I asked Salem, who was leaning against the back wall behind me.


"I'm getting married. I won't be alone anymore."

"You were never alone. You always had me."

"I know."

"You're mother would be so proud of you, ya know."

"She would?"

"Of course. She would have given you her mating dress and done your hair. She would have walked you down the aisle. She would have kissed your hand before sending you off to Dane and she would have cried tears of joy watching her beautiful little girl get married."

"Where is my mother?"

"I wish I knew."

"After the wedding, and everything that comes after, will you help me find her?"

"Of course." Salem smiled. Dana poked her head into the room.

"Hey, it's show time. You ready, Ren?"

"I think so."

"Shoes, Renny." Salem reminded me.

"Oh yeah," I slipped on the platform boots that rose me up three inches. My make up was done, and I stepped off the platform that was in front if the mirror.

I took Salem's arm and he lead me oxut of the dressing room, down the hall and out to where the ceremony would take place.

People stood, an act of respect that was drilled into the pack members since childhood, and placed a fist over their chest above their heart.

Salem pulled me forward. E walked towards the podium where Dane and Devon stood waiting for me. Each step I took, the more I felt my body relax.

Once we were standing in front of Dane, Salem took my hand, kissed it gentally, and stepped back with a tear in his eye and a smile on his face.

"Be strong," He whispered.

"You too," I whispered back.

Dane reached out a hand and I took it. He smiled nervously at me as his father begane the ceremony.

"Pack. Today we are here to welcome a new member to our pack. Not by birth, but by mating. Serenity Newbury, will you accept my son and the rest of our pack, and love my son and the pack until death takes you from our world?"

"I do."

"And Dane Grey, my loyal strong willed son, will you accept and care for Serenity as you habe our pack until your dying days?"

"I do."

"Then I pronounce you mated. You may now complete the ceremony."

Dane and I stepped closer.

"Will this hurt?" I whispered.

"Not much, I promise."


Dane tucked his head down to my neck and kissed the soft skin.


My canines grew and I slowly bit into Ren's neck. As soon as she gasped, I let her go and kissed her gentally on the lips. She brushed her hand on my forearm and I felt the change.

I watched as the marking of a witches pentagram slowly appeared on my skin. Mine was a dark silver, her's a deep blue. I kissed my love again and every one around us stood and clapped. I scooped Ren into my arms and carried her from the podium out the door.

The party afterwards lasted all night, most of us drinking and dancing. Everykne cheered and laughed. We stayed until Ren got too anxious and we went back to the fairy cabin where I spent the night.

"Ren, are you asleep?"

"Yes. Can't you hear me snoring?"

"Very funny, babe. I just wanted to tell you I love you."

"You already told me that."

"Well, I'm telling you again."

"I love you too."

I pulled her closer to me and felt her breathing. Her black hair tangled itself around my fingers.

"I'll always be here for you."

"Go to bed, ya big oaf."

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