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{I do not own the Phelp’s original family: Debbie, Whitney, Hillary, and Michael. All rights are theirs}

The airport was packed as Michael stepped out of the terminal. He glanced quickly at the girl who was instructing them towards the luggage belt, but he bolted out of their small crowd and bent his head down. His huge body made strides to the lower level of the airport and waited in a chair next to belt with a hood over his face. He had felt so embarrassed to be going home. Almost as if he had felt that he was a failure.

            Minutes passed until he saw his three large, gray suitcases make their way towards him. He snatched them and walked as fast as he could out of that airport. The warm, salty air refreshed him as he searched for Whitney’s black escalade. A honk came from the parking lot and a loud obnoxious laugh.

            “Michael, baby, we’re here!” he heard his sister’s, Hillary, voice as she leaned over her sister and honked the horn one more time. Whitney rolled her eyes at her baby sister and then urged him forward.

            “Whit, why is the Mouth here?” he asked referring the nickname Whitney and Michael had for Hillary.

            “Oh boo hoo. I wanted to see my baby brother. Is there a crime against that?” Hillary shot at Michael and then smiled as he climbed into the backseat of Whitney’s car.

            “Hey, princess,” Michael smiled at Lorelei who was strapped into her car seat.

            “Micah!” Lorelei sputtered sending drool in all directions while waving her arms.

            “Ew,” he laughed while cleaning her up.

            “How’s princess Micah?” Hillary teased at the mispronunciation of Michael’s name.

            “Micah’s fine. Thank you for asking,” Michael said as they exited the airport parking lot.

            “Mom has been so excited that she had Lor and I come over and help her redecorate. She has been living for this moment,” Whitney said while making eye contact with Michael in the rearview mirror.

            “I don’t know why she’s so excited,” Michael muttered while folding his arms, “I’m a big boy who can take care of myself in Cali.”

             “You answered that question in your own sentence. Big boy, not a man yet,” Whitney explained.

            “I still don’t need to be babysat,” Michael pointed out.

            “You’re not. Anyways, mom’s friend, Lorcan Peters, has an opening for signing athletes for endorsements and he wants you to try it out,” Whitney said.

            “You mean Carly and Ben’s dad?” Michael asked.

            “Oh yeah, I guess. Ben was in your grade, right?” Whitney asked Hillary.

            “Hell to the yes! He was like the male version of me!” Hillary said. She hit the switch on the radio and turned it up really loud, letting the bass bounce the car. Lorelei started crying.

            “Hillary, for once, please grow up! I mean, my God! You’re going to have a baby soon, too! You need to be more responsible!” Whitney lectured her sister. She turned the radio off.

            “Seriously,” Michael muttered as he calmed Lorelei down.

            “Whatever. Hey, didn’t you date Carly?” Hillary asked.

            “Yes, Hill,” Michael forced out.

            “Oh my God! You guys should totally date again! Except for mom has this idea–” Hillary started before Whitney interrupted her with a stern glare.

            “Oops. My bad,” Hillary giggled.

            “Mom has an idea?” Michael sighed.

            “She always has a plan, bud. I thought you had that down already,” Whitney smiled.

            “Yeah, but… I don’t know. Whatever. I’m not going to get involved,” Michael agreed. They were turning onto their street.

            “Almost home!” Hillary sang while running her fingers through her gloss brunette hair. Michael stared at the familiar road ahead and sighed. This was it. He was home for good now.

            “Here!” Hillary shouted before jumping out of the car. Their mother was sitting on the porch outside the house.

            “Michael!” she cried as she jumped out of the white rocking chair and greeted her estranged son.

            “Mom,” he smiled as he bent over and hugged her motherly figure. She reached around his neck and hugged him tightly. Whitney and Hillary had brought his luggage up to the porch steps and Whitney also had Lorelei on her hip.

            “I’ve missed you so much, honey. I’m so glad you’re home!” Debbie exclaimed. He smiled generously back at her as he heard his sisters whisper quickly back and forth to each other.

            Michael looked up at his grey, homey house and felt a genuine smile. He started at the second floor and then the first and then the porch, taking it all in. He suddenly realized an additional figure on the porch. Debbie followed her son’s eyes and then clapped loudly.

            “Oh, Michael, dear! This is our new neighbor! She’s living in Morrison’s old house!” Michael’s eyes were stuck on such a beautiful girl. She got up gracefully and made her way down the porch steps right in front of Michael.

            “Michael,” he said without breaking eye contact.

            “Aly,” she smiled and shook his hand. At the moment, his eyes dilated, because he felt something he had never felt with any woman before.

            Michael Phelps, the legend of swimming had felt sparks.

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