Chapter 4

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(A/N: Tej has an Empire and Erdale and Elemeth is a part of his Empire, so He is an Emperor and Janvhi is an Empress)

Tej, Janhvi and Gauri were already seated at the dining table when Omkara arrives.

Gauri: arrey come na Omkara, we were waiting for you. Sit next to me.

Omkara: but...

Tej: Omkara!...sit beside her.

Omkara nods and then sits beside Gauri.

Janhvi (to the maid): Serve the food.

The maid nods and leaves

Gauri: Father, when are we going to Elemeth for Anika di's wedding?

Tej: Soon

Gauri: but whom is she getting married to?

Tej: She is getting married to King Shivaay of Ailan.

Gauri: isn't King Shivaay, second son of Emperor Arnik of Atheros.

Tej: Yes!

Gauri: but Father, what happened to Emperor Arnik's first son?

Tej: Well, The Atheros Empire was under attack and that's when his first son was born, but the enemies broke in the castle and they took the baby with them.

Gauri: That is so mean.

Janhvi: By the way, Gauri how do you know about this stuff?

Gauri: Mother, Father and I went to Atheros for signing and I heard about this.

Janhvi: and where was I?

Tej: Janhvi ji, you were in Elemeth with your Sister-in-law.

Gauri: but Father, are we going to visit Atheros again because it's just as beautiful as Erdale?

Tej: we are because the wedding would be held in Atheros as Emperor Arnik wants no enemies to invade it as Atheros is the most powerful Empire after our Empire.

Gauri: but Father, if the first of Emperor Arnik was with them, then will he take over one of the many Kingdoms or the whole Empire?

Tej: He will take over the whole Empire because he is the eldest.

The food arrives and the maids serve the food. They all start eating. While eating, "Omkara, why are you not talking?" inquired Gauri while munching on something. "I don't what to talk about?" said a perplexed Omkara. "Well tell us about your training in Belhill? answered Tej. "Ok, well I began training at the age of 4 because that was the age children were trained. They would take them away from their families and we had to go through a lot of Harsh training like when I was 6, I was asked to kill a baby. While training, they will also educate us. We were also locked and asked to sleep on the cold floor even in winter. All the kids died but I was the only one remaining so they put more efforts into training me and later more kids started to come and then when I was 24, I was done with the training of 20 years, I returned back home."

Janvhi: did you miss Pinky and Shatki?

"I did but all the people training there, we all were like a family and so I didn't miss them much." replied Omkara. "Janvhi hurry we have to leave for Elemeth tomorrow." Tej said while sipping on water. 

Gauri: But you said that we are going soon, so what is this?

Janvhi: Gauri beta, only me and your father are going tomorrow, you and Omkara are going to come together but later and haan don't bring anyone because that will attract attention, only Omkara, Ok?

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